I'm being phished as I type


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yep.. Some random guy on Xfire started talking to me while I was playing CSS.

Convo so far:

[04:39] cc: hey do u want free steam games
[04:39] cc: =??
[04:39] -uKn-Vegeta: is it legal
[04:40] cc: yes
[04:40] -uKn-Vegeta: are you sure
[04:40] cc: yes im
[04:40] cc: sure
[04:40] -uKn-Vegeta: ok i'm all ears
[04:40] cc: i emailed steam and asked
[04:40] cc: and they said it was fine
[04:40] cc: ok im made a patch
[04:40] -uKn-Vegeta: ok?
[04:40] cc: but i have actually bought all the steam games
[04:41] -uKn-Vegeta: so what do i do
[04:41] cc: and i have added them to the pach
[04:41] cc: well if u want them i install them on your account
[04:41] -uKn-Vegeta: how
[04:41] cc: its hard to explain
[04:41] -uKn-Vegeta: well what do i do
[04:41] cc: there are so many files in the seprate game and i install it into the account
[04:42] cc: trust me with your account and ill do it for you
[04:43] cc: it will only take about 10 to 15 minutes depending on what games u want
[04:43] -uKn-Vegeta: so you need my password and stuff?
[04:43] cc: well yes
[04:43] cc: thats the way i can only install the game
[04:43] -uKn-Vegeta: hmm
[04:43] -uKn-Vegeta: i'm scared
[04:43] cc: i dont to any bad stuff
[04:43] cc: like stealing
[04:43] cc: i no how it feels to lose a account
[04:43] -uKn-Vegeta: have you helped other people get games before?
[04:44] cc: yes
[04:44] cc: but i dont have there xfire
[04:44] cc: they deleted me
[04:44] -uKn-Vegeta: why?
[04:44] cc: coz they dont need me on there because they have all the games witch i gave them
[04:45] cc: i promise if anything hppens tobyuor account you can tell me and ill make a brand new account for you with the games u had on your acccount u r playing on now
[04:45] -uKn-Vegeta: hmm
[04:45] -uKn-Vegeta: are you sure steam said it was ok?
[04:46] cc: yes they did
[04:46] cc: its ok trust me
[04:46] cc: nothing will happen
[04:46] cc: i have bought the games myself
[04:46] cc: steam is aware of this and gave me the ok
[04:47] -uKn-Vegeta: hmm what games can you get?
[04:47] cc: any game u want
[04:47] cc: i bought them all
[04:47] cc: well tell me what games do u have on your account
[04:47] cc: so i dont overwrite them
[04:47] -uKn-Vegeta: umm well i have all the hl2 stuff like css and episode 1
[04:48] cc: so u have on the one account
[04:48] -uKn-Vegeta: wont you be able to see what i have if you are in my account?
[04:48] cc: css cs 1.6 and the half life
[04:48] -uKn-Vegeta: also i have some other games like darwinia
[04:48] cc: ok
[04:48] cc: kool
[04:48] cc: so do u want the games
[04:48] cc: i can install all of them on there if u like
[04:49] cc: but if u dont want them u can delete them yourself
[04:49] cc: trust me nothing will happen

Tell me what to say quick! I want to have fun with him.
Tell him you're putting on your robe and wizard hat.
LMFAO you've given me an idea.

[04:49] cc:
i can do it on the account u were just on
[04:49] -uKn-Vegeta: i'm still scared
[04:50] -uKn-Vegeta: is there anything else you can reassure me with
[04:50] cc: if u have any worry of the account u can tell me over xfire and ifu dont want them ill delete them off
[04:51] cc: well as i told u if your account does go wrong i told u i will personally make a new o ne and get the games u had on them
[04:51] -uKn-Vegeta: but how do i know if you wont just take it
[04:51] cc: i dont do thoses things
[04:51] cc: and if i do u have my xfire
[04:51] -uKn-Vegeta: what will i do with that
[04:51] cc: i dont do thoses stealing
[04:52] cc: well if u think i have stolen it u can tell me
[04:52] cc: and report me
[04:52] cc: but i no i wont do that
[04:52] cc: i dont do those things
[04:52] cc: i just give steam games
[04:52] -uKn-Vegeta: are you a girl?
[04:52] cc: no im a boy
[04:52] cc: lol
[04:53] -uKn-Vegeta: ok i thought you would be. i'm a girl and one time another girl tried to take my account
[04:53] cc: wow that girl is stupid
[04:53] cc: trust me i dont do that stuff
[04:53] cc: serious
[04:53] -uKn-Vegeta: hmm ok i think i will do it but
[04:53] -uKn-Vegeta: can you do me one favor
[04:54] cc: wat is that
[04:54] -uKn-Vegeta: cyber with me
[04:54] cc: whats cyber
[04:54] -uKn-Vegeta: it's like having sex by using the chat
[04:54] cc: how
[04:54] cc: haha
[04:55] -uKn-Vegeta: you just talk it out ;)
[04:55] cc: lol
[04:55] cc: i probably can do that
[04:55] cc: if you try these games
[04:55] cc: out
[04:56] -uKn-Vegeta: hmm can you give me a taste before that
[04:56] cc: soon
[04:56] cc: but ill do the games first
[04:56] -uKn-Vegeta: :(
[04:56] -uKn-Vegeta: but i'm really horny
[04:56] cc: lol
[04:56] cc: ill do it quickly
[04:56] -uKn-Vegeta: ok what are you wearing
[04:56] cc: nothing
[04:56] -uKn-Vegeta: ooo :D
[04:57] cc: come on ill do the games
[04:57] cc: and will ahve sex chat
[04:57] cc: lol
[04:57] -uKn-Vegeta: so you've never done it before
[04:57] -uKn-Vegeta: do you have a girlfriend irl?
[04:57] cc: no
[04:57] -uKn-Vegeta: aww
[04:57] cc: but i have had sex
[04:57] cc: just not sex chat
[04:57] cc: lol
[04:57] cc: come on ill do the games first
[04:58] cc: then will have sexy time
[04:58] cc: ??/
hahaha say first you need to verify some stuff on his account and require his information.
Try and reverse hack his brainz, yeah, that'd be awesome. : D
[04:58] cc: and lol ur a boy
[04:59] cc: it says on your xfire your a male
[04:59] -uKn-Vegeta: this is my brother's account i dont play much pc games
[04:59] cc: oh
[04:59] cc: ok
[04:59] -uKn-Vegeta: i asked him though and he thinks i should give you the account
[04:59] cc: well come on ill do the games quickly
[04:59] cc: ok
[04:59] cc: kool
[05:00] cc: well do u want me to do it
[05:00] -uKn-Vegeta: ok you need the username and password??
[05:00] cc: yes
[05:00] cc: and ill put on the games
[05:01] -uKn-Vegeta: ok username is uknvegeta897 and password is elephants123
[05:01] cc: do u only have one account
[05:01] -uKn-Vegeta: its my brothers
[05:01] -uKn-Vegeta: and yeah i think he has one
[05:01] cc: ok
[05:02] cc: well im trying to log into it
[05:02] cc: my computer is a bit slow
[05:02] cc: so it might take a while
[05:02] -uKn-Vegeta: okk

Yeah I guess it's about to end.

[05:03] cc: thats not it
[05:03] cc: its not logging in
[05:03] -uKn-Vegeta: what?
[05:03] -uKn-Vegeta: ummm hmm
[05:03] -uKn-Vegeta: let me double check with my bro
[05:05] -uKn-Vegeta: oh sorry!
[05:05] cc: yes
[05:05] -uKn-Vegeta: i'm not dumb enough to be phished, pal. go **** yourself. :)
[05:05] This user has been blocked

Didn't turn out as good as I hoped, but oh well. I really should have kept pushing for the sex.

His Xfire name is isaac1234 by the way.
This thread is made of 80% win, 10% lol and 10% EPIC!
I never have attempted phishers im me. :(

I just sent a friend request to him. n.n
I'd love someone to try it with me. I'd totally tease them with my wonderful account.
I've spoken to that guy before, it's legit...

He got me all games for free =)

[disclaimer]not really lol![/disclaimer]
I was waiting for you to to ask "Why do you want to give me free games, fag boy?"
Im sorry, but I do not like that ending. Like someone else said, you should have reversed it and try it on him.
Ever tried messing with the Nigerians? You know, the ones pulling the 419 advance fee fraud? There are entire websites dedicated to making them lose money and time on you! :D
Meh, there's no lol in these convo's anymore. Grew old a long time ago.
"Im sorry, but I do not like that ending. Like someone else said, you should have reversed it and try it on him."

Yeah the ending sucked. I should have kept trying to have him cyber with me.

And I don't think the reverse thing would have worked, you'd have to be really stupid to fall for that. Which is why that one famous ordeal is so epic.
"Im sorry, but I do not like that ending. Like someone else said, you should have reversed it and try it on him."

Yeah the ending sucked. I should have kept trying to have him cyber with me.

And I don't think the reverse thing would have worked, you'd have to be really stupid to fall for that. Which is why that one famous ordeal is so epic.

You should have said, "I want to make sure I'm not talking to a automated type. Give me your phone number so I can call you and make sure you're a human. Then I'll let you do it."

You'll have his phone number and endless amounts of lewl.
Yeah, the best thing you can do is to waste as much of their time as possible. Makes them all the more mad in the end.
That was hilarious. I want to be phised...

His name is John Smith... lol. Riiiiight...
I sent him a friend request, And I'm going to say,
'hi i herd u give free games to steam acounts.'
Yes, flood him with memes and see if he recognizes them
[04:57] cc: come on ill do the games
[04:57] cc: and will ahve sex chat


Crap, I missed the obvious joke, which would imply that I was the phisher.
"Im sorry, but I do not like that ending. Like someone else said, you should have reversed it and try it on him."

Yeah the ending sucked. I should have kept trying to have him cyber with me.

And I don't think the reverse thing would have worked, you'd have to be really stupid to fall for that. Which is why that one famous ordeal is so epic.

Can you find a link for it?
I want a good laugh again...
cc: whos this
cc: u added me
acepilotf14: oh hi
acepilotf14: i herd u give out games for free
cc: yer i have a patch i made
acepilotf14: realy?
acepilotf14: how dus it work
cc: i bought the games and i put them into a patch with so many files and i add them onto your steam account
acepilotf14: cul
cc: yer
acepilotf14: so
acepilotf14: how do u do it
cc: i just told u
acepilotf14: no, but how wil u get dem onto meh accnt
cc: well i have to get your username and password off u with your permission and then i put them on it
acepilotf14: k
acepilotf14: hold on
acepilotf14: Oh, sorry dude, you totally jsut got played over by one of someone you tried to phise's friends. I thought it would be funny.
acepilotf14: Hahahahaha....hah...hahahahah.....hahah...

I exited out, but after that he said 'well, i really do give games, cya.
That convo was made of fail. Your supposed to convince him that you really want the game after an 1 hours worth of convo.

THEN you tell him he's been owned.