I'm being scammed, whatever shall I do! (tell me!)


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
Alright so someone is online trying to scam me out of some money through yahoo, here is the convo so far. I am wes_in_himer
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:12:52 PM): hello
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:13:20 PM): ?
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:13:42 PM): Hi
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:14:38 PM): so whats up, sorry i havent been on in awhile..ha ever make it back to the states
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:14:49 PM): no
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:14:57 PM): im having little problem here
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:15:06 PM): with what
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:15:15 PM): i havent paid for my tax fee
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:15:18 PM): here is my flight details
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:15:45 PM): Passenger information (First ) Name Miss. Joy Tromley (Adult) email [email protected] Flying Blue (Air France and KLM) KL 2024659706 Seat preference Window Meal
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:16:12 PM): ahh ok. that sucks
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:16:21 PM): {gives me flight details}
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:17:30 PM): ok so what are you gonna do...
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:17:39 PM): i dont know hun
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:17:46 PM): i dont wanna miss my flight
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:17:53 PM): i really wanna meet you in person as planned
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:18:20 PM): Hun can you pls assist me,its just $175
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:19:40 PM): oh yea sure just throw me your social security number and I'll get right on it
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:19:55 PM): hun you know i cant
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:20:01 PM): pls help if u really wanna help,pls
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:20:09 PM): why cant you?
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:20:19 PM): its confidential
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:20:22 PM): you know
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:20:41 PM): And? like anything you are asking from me isnt confidential?
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:20:54 PM): how do u mean?
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:21:13 PM): What do you think I'm ****in retarded?
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:22:57 PM): wht
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:23:00 PM): leave me alone
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:23:25 PM): sounds fair enough, I know this is a scam im not ****in stupid. expect yourself to be flagged kthxbye
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:25:36 PM): im not a scam
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:25:46 PM): i will try to get the money else where
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:25:56 PM): and i will proove to you when i get to dallas
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:26:59 PM): and how is that?
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:27:22 PM): dont you worry
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:27:25 PM): let me have your #
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:28:11 PM): throw me some more pics then
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:28:18 PM): no
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:29:02 PM): why not?
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:29:17 PM): i will show you when we meet
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:29:32 PM): I thought you said you wanted to meet me, you wont even verify that it is actually you

He is obviously a scam artist, and a ****in dumbass at that. So I'm calling on all hl2.net members to spam the shit out of her email or give me some ideas of what to tell him, lead him on you know. Come on hl2.net...
But I already gave him my SS #. OH SHI-

Duh Kinetic, I wanna **** with him though..any ideas?
Who the f*ck is Icarus? Plus the email is right up there, how about both of us..as one do it. Like a community.
Rick Roll him/her/it. Thats so what I would do. Although to determine if this is a true scam we might need to know how long you have known each other. If you have been talking for over a year then it probrobly is not a scam artist. But so far looks pretty dodgy. Try to get his/her/it's number and call him/her/it. Seeing as it want's your number there should be no reason why it would have a problem with you having it's number , if it says no then it looks like you definatly have a scamer.
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:20:01 PM): pls help if u really wanna help,pls

Wait, but you apparently know this person somehow?
hah ace well played, now give me back my SS # please.

Well first off this is the second time I've talked with this person, so it is a scam and I knew about it the first time when she tried to sell me real estate in africa. Obviously, cause
A) no girl says this (latest development):
wes_in_himer (1/3/2009 5:31:34 PM): why is that, how will you prove your love to me
joytrom777 (1/3/2009 5:32:12 PM): when we meet

Come on, give me a break I've talked to this guy for 15 minutes tops. Hes just bad, really bad.

EDIT: no zombie I dont actually know them. Met them on a match site I signed up to awhile back, but never really bothered with it..then I get a message from this person alittle while ago.
lol, you joined a match-making site. lolololol

Also, you can't troll a scammer after you tell him you're on to him. You ruined it.
But that hasnt stopped him, and yes I did. Trying to rub it in that I have a small pee wee, are we? :dozey:
I was trying to rub in how you are internet dating, but thanks for that extra info. It will come in handy in the future.
:LOL: I have a feeling Im about to be trolled by this entire forum. Anyways no I've never "internet dated" anyone, I signed up at this place along time ago..a year or so, but all I ever got from them is spam since I didnt sign up for a monthly pay. So I never bothered with it until the other day when she/he/it emailed me from this place.
Well ok that explains..absolutely nothing. I'll get right on that :LOL:

EDIT: nice edit.
:LOL: I have a feeling Im about to be trolled by this entire forum. Anyways no I've never "internet dated" anyone, I signed up at this place along time ago..a year or so, but all I ever got from them is spam since I didnt sign up for a monthly pay. So I never bothered with it until the other day when she/he/it emailed me from this place.

Ok then , let Operation Uber-kill begin. First off you should start by attemting to get some sort of contact number from them. After your sure the number isnt just some random chumps who just happened to get caught up in this mess by the guy giving you a random number you proceed to rick roll him down the phone. This will get boring after a while so you might wanna mix it up by blasting metal down the phone really loud or other stuff. Next spam up the e-mails with memes , sign it up for loads of crap (if your lucky a scammer will try to scam them. Oh the irony). The rest is all down to your imagination. Happy hunting bro.
^****in good idea, sign him/her/it up for porn and everything else. I'm trying to get back ahold of him, but I guess hes left.. shit.
Dude, I think this chick really wants to meet you. I say send her the money!
I don't think so , my cousin got scammed in a process that almost matched this. She sent out like 200 quid (cause' shes a stupid cow).
I already tried that no limit and she/he still wont go away, should I gave him/her/it more? And wow mech..not to sound round but thats pretty bad, shit I'd never give anyone a dollar over any of these sites.
Yep , when she called I lol'd at her. Then she hung up. And I lol'd some more.
Well I am an aspiring artist after all, maybe if I give her this she could **** me over and make a killing off my master work.
Thank you Mchammer I know have something to do. Gonna spam this guy to hell...
lol see guys mech and mellish are helping out, whats up krynn?? Just coming in here to talk some shit but you cant back it up? :cool:
I know you sit back on your 13,000+ posts and mock and ridicule, you are so elitist. Anyways I emailed him and played it off, maybe he will get back to me. I'm thinking of doing something more destructive though..like giving him a trojan or something..too bad I'm too goody goody to think of any way to actually do this.
Is it bad that I have an email account specifically for operations such as this?
Ask for a phone number, call him, fart in the phone

Wins all round lads
I asked him for his SS but no luck, if I can get in touch with him I'll definitely try to get his number and post it here.

Dude, this is so funny....It is a scam, whoever it is tried doing it to me about 6 months ago. She/he contacted me through fling.com and said she was stuck in africa and needed money to get home..and that her father died and she was working at an orphanage that he used to own. I only joined these forums to reply to this post....the funny thing is that i wondered what ever happened to this person so i googled [email protected] and this came up...when i did a reverse e-mail search the location came up in california and there is also an IP address.....I'm dead serious...this person tried to tell me the same shit...HOW THE **** IS SOMEONE STILL STUCK IN AFRICA AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!! SO FUNNY!!!
Dude, this is so funny....It is a scam, whoever it is tried doing it to me about 6 months ago. She/he contacted me through fling.com and said she was stuck in africa and needed money to get home..and that her father died and she was working at an orphanage that he used to own. I only joined these forums to reply to this post....the funny thing is that i wondered what ever happened to this person so i googled [email protected] and this came up...when i did a reverse e-mail search the location came up in california and there is also an IP address.....I'm dead serious...this person tried to tell me the same shit...HOW THE **** IS SOMEONE STILL STUCK IN AFRICA AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!! SO FUNNY!!!

I am going to give you the most savage beating for this.