ok, it used to be that if you buy half life, you can download counterstrike and day of defeat and any mod basically for free.
then when they started selling CS and DOD in the store, you could buy say DOD and then you would be allowed to download CS for free
can you still do this? my friend REALLY wants to play DOD but cant find it any stores, i told him he could buy CS and just download DOD for free but now im not so sure anymore, someone enlighten me on this please. thanks.
then when they started selling CS and DOD in the store, you could buy say DOD and then you would be allowed to download CS for free
can you still do this? my friend REALLY wants to play DOD but cant find it any stores, i told him he could buy CS and just download DOD for free but now im not so sure anymore, someone enlighten me on this please. thanks.