i'm getting kinda worried. about my specs.



you guys seem to have uber 1337 PCs.

see, thing is, i plan to run CSS on my laptop ! yesh, my laptop!

128MB ATi Mobility Radeon 9200
40Gb HDD
300k internet connection

d'you think it'll work on mine? i can't help having a laptop, i'm an international student atm. please tell me it'll work. else it'd have ruined my christmas :angry:
Wont be perfect but it should run (my friends has almost the EXACT same spec and his runs okay)
Scottie said:
Wont be perfect but it should run (my friends has almost the EXACT same spec and his runs okay)

awersome, awesome. i'm not expecting it to be smooth, but all i wanna do this christmas is play CSS. :smoking: it'll take up all my free time. paahahahaah!
I got a ATi radeon 9200 128 mb... its not Mobility... dont know if that makes a diffrens but Im runing my 9200 on a p4 2,6 and 512 ram..
I run css in dx7 mode And Im runing at 30-100 fps
buttshak3r said:
awersome, awesome. i'm not expecting it to be smooth, but all i wanna do this christmas is play CSS. :smoking: it'll take up all my free time. paahahahaah!

Should run fine expect according to my mate, your ping is REALLY important if your running on a lappy. 512 broadband minimum, he got 64kb cable line and apprently is sux. Just a warning :)
Scottie said:
Should run fine expect according to my mate, your ping is REALLY important if your running on a lappy. 512 broadband minimum, he got 64kb cable line and apprently is sux. Just a warning :)

that shouldnt worry me. i grew up on CS on a p3 667Mhz, 128Mb RAM, 32Mb Nvidia TNT2, 56k modem rig. it was laggy, but i didn't get creamed, so tis okay ;)

what server do you play on?
Personally i play on random public servers, but ive bin sucking alot recently lol.
My alias (if u wanna look out for it) is Iommi (as in the great Black Sabbath guitarist)

My last pc was 1ghz, 40 gb hdd, GeForce 5200 128mb PCI, lol. It was average, but to be honest ive never liked laptops for games :)
gd luck!
At the end of the day, an uber pc is great for CSS but the requirements for a game of tdetail and complexity are relitivly low.
Nudger said:
At the end of the day, an uber pc is great for CSS but the requirements for a game of tdetail and complexity are relitivly low.

Quoted for truth :)
I can play it ok on a laptop with the following specs:

1.4 ghz processor
512mb RAM
32mb Radeon 9000 Mobility Gfx Card

I have to turn all the effects right down, but it does run at a playable framerate, so you should be ok, as long as your connection's up to it (like the others said)...
thank you, guys. this is a major relief. when i saw CSS on my friends PC, i had a sudden impulse to buy HL2. thing is, he's got the special edition box, so i after i ordered it off amazon, i began to worry whether the standard copy of HL2 has CSS or not.

THEN i began to worry about the specs.

hahaha! :cheers:
i'll be getting my copy tomorrow i think! i was expecting it today... but.. butt... postman disappointed me badly :(
buttshak3r said:
i'll be getting my copy tomorrow i think! i was expecting it today... but.. butt... postman disappointed me badly :(

Shame man, the post guys suck a$$ here in the UK at xmas time, lol. I bin wait for a jacket (for the winter) for about 2 weeks now!!

Where u buy it from?

Tell us how it plays! (im curious,lol)
Scottie said:
Shame man, the post guys suck a$$ here in the UK at xmas time, lol. I bin wait for a jacket (for the winter) for about 2 weeks now!!

Where u buy it from?

Tell us how it plays! (im curious,lol)

haha! i bought it off Amazon (www.amazon.co.uk), and because i'm getting it shipped via first class, hence only a 2 day wait!
i got mine from amazon too (wen i brought it)
Amazon do gd prices too :)
Scottie said:
i got mine from amazon too (wen i brought it)
Amazon do gd prices too :)

aye! £35 in other stores throughout UK, and only £29 with first class delivery on amazon! it just makes more sense to get it off the 'net, doesn't it? ;)
niLeGreatFun said:
from leeds coo lwhere abpouts??

actually, i live near woodhouse flats. lawls. opposite leeds uni, engineering dept.
I have basically the same specs as you, but with a better processor and CS runs a bute.
buttshak3r said:
actually, i live near woodhouse flats. lawls. opposite leeds uni, engineering dept.

Cool i can get there in 20 mins :LOL: I live in Adel.

P.S: I think that 1.6ghz should be ok to run it. I'm not to sure about your Mobility 9200 though mate. :p
goss said:
Cool i can get there in 20 mins :LOL: I live in Adel.

P.S: I think that 1.6ghz should be ok to run it. I'm not to sure about your Mobility 9200 though mate. :p

Nah, its radeon so its OK, considering how well it ran on my normal 9200 is should work fine on that
Kristafon said:
Nah, its radeon so its OK, considering how well it ran on my normal 9200 is should work fine on that

I know it will run OK but i mean everyone always wants these games to run at high graphics with good FPS and that was what i was getting at. :bounce:
hah those specs dont look to bad to me, although ive no idea about video cards. I have a bloody 56k modem and i plan to try it out :p
Scottie said:
Eh? Soz, dont understand... :eek:

are you in MOD clan? there's this [MOD]ScottishThug person who's always on! was wondering if that was you.

goss said:
Cool i can get there in 20 mins :LOL: I live in Adel.

P.S: I think that 1.6ghz should be ok to run it. I'm not to sure about your Mobility 9200 though mate. :p

i run between 40-70 fps and have a ping of 30-70! :) its running just fine on my lappy. only thins is the small keyboard, and one other funny thing. i tend NOT to be able to shoot sometimes. its weird, but i can live with it...