I'm getting STEAMed up.



Hi all,
My girlfriend gave me the Half-Life 2 Special Edition with Halflife and Couter Strike: Source for Christmas.

Turns out I can't even play the game because I'm stuck on dialup (I live in the boonies, can't even get DSL or cable) and when I try to do the STEAM update it gets so far, the update stops completely (~51%) and my ISP kicks me off for inactivity (I can't do anything about that.)

Is there any way around this, or any way I can download the updates on my USB flash drive at work and bring them home and install?

I don't think I should have any issues with hardware (besides dialup)
I have a Intel P4 3.00 GHz HT Socket 478
512 MB Ram
Radeon 9600 256 MB Video Card
Gobs of HDD space.

Thanks in advance for all of your help, sorry if this is a noob subject.
Well, you could download all the updates at work or something and put it on a rather big USB drive (The game is about 4 GB I think). Be sure to have the updated .GCF files on it too!
I have dial-up and I have all the updates, Lost Coast and the Darwina Demo. I don't know why the download would stop but any data you have downloaded when you turn off Steam should be saved.
I don't have dial-up, but I had a problem with inactive Steam downloads. It's painful, because you'll have to redownload Steam updates again, but it helped in my case --> delete ClientRegistry.blob in the Steam folder.
Deleting this file usually solves everything :D
Well, you could download all the updates at work or something and put it on a rather big USB drive (The game is about 4 GB I think). Be sure to have the updated .GCF files on it too!

I only have a gig to work with, I was thinking there's some way I could download the individual update files, then play swap-a-roo

I have dial-up and I have all the updates, Lost Coast and the Darwina Demo. I don't know why the download would stop but any data you have downloaded when you turn off Steam should be saved.

Not my case, it starts me over at 28% on the platform update every time.

I don't have dial-up, but I had a problem with inactive Steam downloads. It's painful, because you'll have to redownload Steam updates again, but it helped in my case --> delete ClientRegistry.blob in the Steam folder.
Deleting this file usually solves everything

Tried it, but to no avail.

Thanks for the help ya'll.
ninja I feel for ya chief that really sucks....dial-up is long freaking gone man that's why AOL is in the movie renting business now. and its not fair to people like you to be left behind with dial-ups. Hang tight man.
Barney Fife said:
ninja I feel for ya chief that really sucks....dial-up is long freaking gone man that's why AOL is in the movie renting business now. and its not fair to people like you to be left behind with dial-ups. Hang tight man.

Thanks, I'm going to take my Computer over to my friend's house sometime to get the update when I get time.

It sucks being out where I am. They're building an airport out near where I live so the rumor is going around that cable may be available soon.
ninjapirate said:
Thanks, I'm going to take my Computer over to my friend's house sometime to get the update when I get time.

It sucks being out where I am. They're building an airport out near where I live so the rumor is going around that cable may be available soon.

Hopefully yes. Cable will arrive or maybe DSL but definitely Cable.
I was with a friend of mine in Nashville last Christmas and he had a dial-up and I fell asleep trying to get my email. Waiting and waiting for Earthlink to download Email. Finally I got upset and turned the damn thing off went to sleep.
Once you get used to high-speed you get really spoiled.
ninjapirate said:
Hi all,
My girlfriend gave me the Half-Life 2 Special Edition with Halflife and Couter Strike: Source for Christmas.

Turns out I can't even play the game because I'm stuck on dialup (I live in the boonies, can't even get DSL or cable) and when I try to do the STEAM update it gets so far, the update stops completely (~51%) and my ISP kicks me off for inactivity (I can't do anything about that.)
Can't you just visit a webpage so the activity thingy resets... ?
ninjapirate said:
Turns out I can't even play the game because I'm stuck on dialup (I live in the boonies, can't even get DSL or cable) and when I try to do the STEAM update it gets so far, the update stops completely (~51%) and my ISP kicks me off for inactivity (I can't do anything about that.)
You can do something about being kicked for inactivity by your isp!

Click here for a list of free "anti ISP disconnect" software. I havn't tried them myself, but came across this list when I was trying to solve a different problem of my own. Let me know if any work out for you.
The anti-disconnect software didn't work.

But, I did manage to get it all updated by taking my computer to my friend's house. Thanks for the advice, guys.