I'm gonna play WoW! FINALLY!


Jan 21, 2004
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Hell yes. I made a deal with my dad yesterday that I would make his company a website (it's a new company), and he would give me a full year of World of Warcraft game time. He said he didn't want anything spiffy so I made him a rather basic but clean layout and he liked it.

Now I just have to wait 'till they finish watching the Aviator, and hope they are still in the mood to do anything before going to sleep.

I'm going horde but I dunno if I should go undead warlock or troll shaman. :cheers:
Warlocks are difficult to play but are quite capable, well played warlocks generally win in PvP more than other classes (problem is not many play them well), they also rare on any server. Trolls are decent and Shamans are known as being almost godly in PvP and are fairly easy to get the hang of early on, however a lot of people play Shamans.

The bad thing about playing a class that has a high population is that you aren't wanted in groups as much, also people from both sides might have an automatic dislike of you.

I am just saying this to help you decide. Both classes are quite capable and both are fun to play, and this is comming from first hand experience.

Also congradulations, and make sure you play a character past level 10 before deciding if it is boring or not. Until then almost every class is fairly boring to play.

I don't care.

Good job on getting to play though.
WoW is the AOL of MMORPG's.

That's what a friend of mine said after hearing about it. :)
Join magtheridon horde side. They have no queues for Battlegrounds due to there not being many of them.

I am Alliance and at least twice a day I think: "I wish I were horde."

Also, don't be a warrior. We're gonna get majorly nerfed in up coming patches, I can see it. Be a mage or a warlock. I can't see those classes being affected much in the future.
WaterMelon34 said:
I'm going horde but I dunno if I should go undead warlock or troll shaman. :cheers:
Way to go man grats on a year of warcraft :cheers:

after playing the game for like 7 months straight, I will tell you my opinions maybe this will help you decide what characters to play to get the most out of the game

The only class I don't like is warlock. (lvl 1)

My newest character is a troll shaman and shes pretty fun.(lvl 14)
(Most of my characters are girls becuase they look alot better imo(except the tauren *PUKE*)

I would definately go with the shaman

It is pretty widely accepted that the shaman is the most over-powered class in the game. they can wear leather, then at high levels they can wear mail... So that might be a good first character. I like the way they heal., they sort of hang in there, healing 50% of their health or whatever and battle it out. pretty tough. their totems shoot fireballs and shit and is pretty fun.

a priest is more like take forever to cast but heal way too much getting rocked in the process of casting wearing only cloth. they do have power shield and a nice heal over time spell but .. meh. boring!ness.

here is my opinion on the other toons:

I had the most fun playing as a rogue(lvl 60), but maybe becuase that was my first character. They can dual wield at level 10 and once you can do that you will see that the game is just getting started, and you will be having a lot of fun.

My warrior(lvl 60) is ****ing elite. This character was sometimes a drag to play though.
Druids(lvl 42 ferral) can be boring as shit or fun as shit, depending
A retribution paladin(lvl 52) Is pretty damn fun :)
Priests (lvl 33) are the least fun class i have played, and level up slow. i tried shadow, holy, and discipline.
EDIT:shit forgot to mention my mage(lvl 34) this is possibly the most fun character and would like to play this one to 60 if i dont sell my account first

In my experience:
Everyone has said how the hunter is the best class and so much fun, however most people have said that warlocks are boring and lame So you might want to consider that.

I never tried warlock or hunter, i don't really dig them for some reason

Well, hope this helps. Have fun, and welcome to the world of warcraft! hehe
Go any class you want. If you go warlock you will own but you will die a lot. You will kill fast than a shaman. As a shaman you are well rounded and do everything good. You can pwn pretty much anyone but you don't do as much dmg as a warlock. You still however kick ass. For that reason they are probally the most popular class in the game, up there with rogues who the farmers adore.
Hmm... I'll probably go warlock. Shaman sounds cool, but I want some minions. Shamans are hybrid so, yeah, they can do anything. As a warlock, I may not be able to be support healer but I can be a de-buffer. And they look cool.

Btw, I would go magtheridon, but it's low population and I want a more epic experience. BONECHEWER IT IS~!! Man I can't wait till tomorrow.

VirusType2 said:
Way to go man grats on a year of warcraft :cheers:

after playing the game for like 7 months straight, I will tell you my opinions maybe this will help you decide what characters to play to get the most out of the game

The only class I don't like is warlock. (lvl 1)

My newest character is a troll shaman and shes pretty fun.(lvl 14)
(Most of my characters are girls becuase they look alot better imo(except the tauren *PUKE*)

I would definately go with the shaman

It is pretty widely accepted that the shaman is the most over-powered class in the game. they can wear leather, then at high levels they can wear mail... So that might be a good first character. I like the way they heal., they sort of hang in there, healing 50% of their health or whatever and battle it out. pretty tough. their totems shoot fireballs and shit and is pretty fun.

a priest is more like take forever to cast but heal way too much getting rocked in the process of casting wearing only cloth. they do have power shield and a nice heal over time spell but .. meh. boring!ness.

here is my opinion on the other toons:

I had the most fun playing as a rogue(lvl 60), but maybe becuase that was my first character. They can dual wield at level 10 and once you can do that you will see that the game is just getting started, and you will be having a lot of fun.

My warrior(lvl 60) is ****ing elite. This character was sometimes a drag to play though.
Druids(lvl 42 ferral) can be boring as shit or fun as shit, depending
A retribution paladin(lvl 52) Is pretty damn fun :)
Priests (lvl 33) are the least fun class i have played, and level up slow. i tried shadow, holy, and discipline.
EDIT:shit forgot to mention my mage(lvl 34) this is possibly the most fun character and would like to play this one to 60 if i dont sell my account first

In my experience:
Everyone has said how the hunter is the best class and so much fun, however most people have said that warlocks are boring and lame So you might want to consider that.

I never tried warlock or hunter, i don't really dig them for some reason

Well, hope this helps. Have fun, and welcome to the world of warcraft! hehe
*gasp* you're going to sell your account? Well thanks for the insight, but man do I have a knack for warlocks. :P
I suggest you start on Agamaggan its a new server, Ive had a good experiance there so far. And i have a guild there
WaterMelon34 said:
Hell yes. I made a deal with my dad yesterday that I would make his company a website (it's a new company), and he would give me a full year of World of Warcraft game time. He said he didn't want anything spiffy so I made him a rather basic but clean layout and he liked it.

Now I just have to wait 'till they finish watching the Aviator, and hope they are still in the mood to do anything before going to sleep.

I'm going horde but I dunno if I should go undead warlock or troll shaman. :cheers:
Congratulations. You're now one step ahead in losing yourself in an imaginary world of ogres and the likes. I have a friend who can't stop playing it, and pretty soon he'll pass out and be sent to the hospital if he keeps it up. Be warned.
joule said:
There goes your life.
Yeah, this is pretty much true. You've officially secured your "single and looking" status for the next year.
do not roll warlock as first character, it will make your life HELL. Roll something like a mage, or a rogue, or maybe a shaman. something new player friendly.

Baal, good things happening for warlocks? you got to be shitting me.... good things for mage? plenty. Gorgohnash lvl 60 rogue lvl 57 warlock tichondrious 60 warrior
ktimekiller said:
do not roll warlock as first character, it will make your life HELL. Roll something like a mage, or a rogue, or maybe a shaman. something new player friendly.

Baal, good things happening for warlocks? you got to be shitting me.... good things for mage? plenty. Gorgohnash lvl 60 rogue lvl 57 warlock tichondrious 60 warrior

Rogues are good until you hit 60 then they are one of the most broken classes. Right now there are a few updated classes and the rest pretty much suck. Warrior, warlock and hunters have been updated. Go ahead and make any of them your first char. Warlocks do suck and are hard to play until you hit higher levels but they own then. Also make sure you read the class forums. There is a lot of talk on there about strategy and they go through numbers and all kinds of stuff. It helps out a lot. Using a lot of the data from the forums I learned the rogue class as a top tier PVPer. I now can saftely say I have mastered the rogue class and had no social life while doing it.
VirusType2 said:
Priests (lvl 33) are the least fun class i have played, and level up slow. i tried shadow, holy, and discipline.
You really don't know how to play a priest then. I get a lvl every day or every two days, depeneds on what I'm doing. Yes, I've made alts, but isn't that normal? Everybody gets bored with a class after a while.(I'm lvl 37 atm).
ktimekiller said:
do not roll warlock as first character, it will make your life HELL. Roll something like a mage, or a rogue, or maybe a shaman. something new player friendly.

Baal, good things happening for warlocks? you got to be shitting me.... good things for mage? plenty. Gorgohnash lvl 60 rogue lvl 57 warlock tichondrious 60 warrior

You don't understand, this game goes in cycles.

Warriors were underpowered up until 60, and then even at 60 they sucked for quite some time. So then we got buffed slowly, but eventually now we're nearly unstoppable.

Ok, so now, there's an overflow of warriors because we're such a strong class, so we must be nerfed. Now we're in a nerfing stage. First enrage nerf, and it will go from there.

Also, at the beginning of WoW, paladins were overpowered, they got one of their seals fixed and now they're nice little carebears who do very little DPS. So they stuck it out and sucked for PvP for many months, and now they're being changed, for the better, for worse? Who knows, we'll have to find out.

Also, warlocks sucked for months and months, and now in one patch got majorly changed. Introduced Death Coil, un-trinkitable un-dispellable (beserker rage) 3 second INSANT (key word "instant") (I think) fear. Ridiculously good. Also their Dots now do the same amount of damage, but they tick a lot faster now than previously. Next they're getting shard bags etc.

Also druids had no choice as to what talents they should choose. Basically it was 31 resto or NOTHING. Then all of a sudden blizzard changes them and buffs the feral tree.

It goes in cycles. So before you make a choice as to what character you make, think of what character is gonna be nerfed the most in the next upcoming patches. I say warriors get the hardest hit, then MAYBE MAYBE shamans...but I dunno.

I think a druid, mage, or warlock would be a great choice, because they will not get affected a huge amount in the near future, or if they do, it will be for the better.
shardbags are irrelivent, it doesnt solve the warlock problems at all, and all their so called buffs came with a bigger price than what we got for a +

i think warriors are fine, dont see a point of nerfing them, just people who are too dumb to figure out a way to beat them. i agree druid did need help, so they got it. the warlock class is not getting improvement, only getting worse. they have tried to calm to nerfs with some pointless items like shardbags, sure it carries lots of slots, sure its cool, but does it solve the farming shard problem? no. they also nerfed the negative resistance dmg bonus which was completely uncalled for.

i think the best first character classes are more of rogues, paladin(not complex, easy for beginners), shaman(easy to play), or a SHADOW priest(shadow priest, not holy, or anything else). then i think more advanced classes are for go.
Boogymanx said:
You really don't know how to play a priest then. I get a lvl every day or every two days, depeneds on what I'm doing. Yes, I've made alts, but isn't that normal? Everybody gets bored with a class after a while.(I'm lvl 37 atm).
I do know how to play a priest. My priest is level 34 yea im not a level 60 but I know how to use her.

Put it this way; with my Rogue, mage, or warrior, i can get several levels each day. (well not anymore becuase they are 60) with the priest its just so boring i don't even want to, but i can level up yea but not that fast

With my first characterwhen I bought the game--my rogue--I got level 60 in about 22 days. thats nearly 3 levels per day with no extended rest xp, crappy gear, and still learning the game. They level fast.
They're also a dime a dozen. I'd recommend playing a class that isn't played by 20% of the population.
If you can stick some boring periods between about 22-36, the mage class is awesome fun. Especially as you max out the fire tree, and can end up dealing more damage faster than any other class in the right situations. Everyone wants you for instances, too, since you're excellent back up that doesn't need healing too much.

Still, shaman sounds good too though. Dunno about warlock, though, it looks really boring.
Shaman and Warlock are both equally rewarding classes, my highest char is a hunter though. Definately go with the horde, and although they are usually outnumbered 2:1 on most servers, they are always more skilled. The horde almost ALWAYS wins in the battlegrounds.
Vigilante said:
Shaman and Warlock are both equally rewarding classes, my highest char is a hunter though. Definately go with the horde, and although they are usually outnumbered 2:1 on most servers, they are always more skilled. The horde almost ALWAYS wins in the battlegrounds.
That will all change once the expansion pack comes out and the Horde gets Blood Elves though Mwahahaha!
Vigilante said:
Shaman and Warlock are both equally rewarding classes, my highest char is a hunter though. Definately go with the horde, and although they are usually outnumbered 2:1 on most servers, they are always more skilled. The horde almost ALWAYS wins in the battlegrounds.
correction, shaman is a rewarding class, not warlock
I would say Rogue or Hunter, Avoid Warlock

Edit. Google the Movie's World of Roguecraft Episode 3 and 2
Polar_Bear said:
WoW is the AOL of MMORPG's.

That's what a friend of mine said after hearing about it. :)
Umm.... AOL sucks...
ktimekiller said:
do not roll warlock as first character, it will make your life HELL. Roll something like a mage, or a rogue, or maybe a shaman. something new player friendly.

Baal, good things happening for warlocks? you got to be shitting me.... good things for mage? plenty. Gorgohnash lvl 60 rogue lvl 57 warlock tichondrious 60 warrior
Warlocks was an easy class for me to begin with. BTW, lots of buffs happening to Warlocks... just read the news on www.worldofwarcraft.com
Umm.... AOL sucks...

Yes AOL does suck, but everyone had seemed to use them until Netzero came along then they finally switched to guys like earthlink, netzero, juno, etc.. and well that helped 56kers lag alot less.

WoW is the AOL of MMORPG's except it's ggggrrrreeeeaaaatttt!!!!!
fliko, those are not buffs, they are more flawed changes by blizzard that are nerfs. hardly from buff, the only buff i see is the inferno and the doomguard, and the 30% more dmg is hardly counted for. Say infernos main dmg is 300, 30% of 300 is only 90, changing dmg to 390, but wait, the mobs armor has yet to be counted! and the searing pain buff, its only by 1 dmg. as well as many nerfs that were not in the changes list, like nightfall only proccing at the first tic of drain life and corruption.
The Mullinator said:
That will all change once the expansion pack comes out and the Horde gets Blood Elves though Mwahahaha!
Youlre right...the horde will be even better! Muahahhahaa

Alliance = = pussies. There's that much to it.
Vigilante said:
Youlre right...the horde will be even better! Muahahhahaa

Alliance = = pussies. There's that much to it.
No, I mean all the 12 year old Alliance players who play Night Elf rogues because they are "hawt" will now switch to the Horde. Horde maturity is going to plummit.
On my server there are no alliance kiddies and all the good horde players are switching because of the kids that choose the "evil" side. Not to mention all the emo/goths choose undead rogues.

Man...all the n00bs play rogues and its easy to tell them apart. Good rogues use thistle tea...n00b rogues dont.
anyone else laugh at glirk's comment + use of the word 'n00b' ?
I have a level 60 hunter, he's quite fun. Definately one of the funner classes I'd say. I haven't made any alts or anything, just having so much fun with my hunter :). If I was to make one though, it would probably be a druid, so many things you can do with them.
If you're gonna make a shaman, be warned that end-game all they are there for is to heal and provide totem buffs. Mages are decurse bots and water vendors which can aoe. Warlocks are there to banish and debuff, and to recieve all the felheart that drops of course... So if you want epics, make a Warlock ;). As for rogues, they do damage, like the hunters. Most warriors just tank, some of them are dps warriors though. If you don't really want to do end-game instances though, just make which ever class you think is coolest, it doesn't really matter.
ktimekiller said:
fliko, those are not buffs, they are more flawed changes by blizzard that are nerfs. hardly from buff, the only buff i see is the inferno and the doomguard, and the 30% more dmg is hardly counted for. Say infernos main dmg is 300, 30% of 300 is only 90, changing dmg to 390, but wait, the mobs armor has yet to be counted! and the searing pain buff, its only by 1 dmg. as well as many nerfs that were not in the changes list, like nightfall only proccing at the first tic of drain life and corruption.
I see plenty of buffs. If you want to see no buffs... look at mages.