I'm having a bizarre pc problem....


May 19, 2003
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I have restarted my pc a few times and when i get to the main desktop, all of my icons in the taskbar by the "start menu" aren't there. When i try to go to system information, add or remove programs, stuff like that in the control panel....it wont come up. Ctrl-Alt-Delete shows like 20 "winupdate.exe" in the menu. I've scanned for virsuses and deleted them but Sophos finds them all the time and now after like a month it just starts acting weird, actually as of 10 minutes ago. Can someone please give me some input on what to do, thanks.
Start > run > msconfig > Startup (tab)

Uncheck all the programs you don't recognize and restart.. Definitely sounds like you have some crazy self-replicating virus
Sounds like one of those viruses messed up windows. I would reformat and reinstall windows to get rid of any viruses still on your computer.
or restart into safe mode and then do the AV scan, then windows repair.
Well i got my taskbar back, just nothing in control panel opens, ive tried add or remove programs, system info, and a few others.....i dunno wtf is going on.
Is this the same problem? If so, you should merge or delete one of these threads. It seems like this was your problem before you found out you edited your registry.