I'm off to see Kylie :)


Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Hurray, just got tickets to see Kylie Minogue at Birmingham Nec on the 21st April, can't wait. I am not really a massive fan of hers but it would be a great pleasure to see her perform live.

The tickets cost me around £35 each, over £130 in total with all the costs and tickets added together :rolling:.
I thought it was another personal dilemma post on the forums. Like some guy was going to see their girlfriend or something, to try and make up or some such other imiginitive thing. lol
I would go see her, but I have to roll my genitals in broken glass that night....

You really did just throw away your cash
That's my birthday :D

I'm off to see Muse on the 20th of December, can't wait :D :D
Murray_H said:
That's my birthday :D

I'm off to see Muse on the 20th of December, can't wait :D :D

Now thats more like it, I love Muse, have a rocking time.
Muse... I wonder if it'll be like seeing Radiohead without spending your life savings...
Gunner said:
Don't apologize, just do what any guy would do, say you're going to see her because she's hot hehe.

I'm actually going because she has some nice songs, especially her earlier ones like Loco-motion, and it is her greatest hits tour so there is a good chance she will do it....and she is quite a nice, physically attractive lady. :thumbs:
Her sister looks much better. Personally I don't like any of their music.
I dont like her music but damn would i handcuff her with pink furry hand cuffs and cover her in honeybefore... well you know..

her an masuimi max in a threesome...

[Matt] said:
I dont like her music but damn would i handcuff her with pink furry hand cuffs and cover her in honeybefore... well you know..

her an masuimi max in a threesome...


And I will be the one recording the action..
Meh if he/she/it wants to go see Kylie who are we to judge? :laugh:

Murray_H said:
That's my birthday :D

I'm off to see Muse on the 20th of December, can't wait :D :D

Me too, got 7 seated tickets in errr... block 2 :0 (which is pretty damn amazing, I had to be on the site at 9am to get them)

What kind of seats did you get? Are you on the muse forums as well? (I'm not, I mean as well as HL2.net) I'm sure I remember seeing someone over there with a HL2 signature.

P.S I may have 2 spare tickets for the 19th if anybody here is interested... the guy who was going to buy them off me has not been online for a while... you'll get them from me alot cheaper than you would on ebay ;) (I'm not a ticket tout ;( I just ended up arranging to go with six other friends instead of one :imu: PM me if you are actually interested, my mum is going on at me to get rid of them)

I'd love to see Muse,...
Edit : whoops, i cant read.

mmm kylie, she'd get it, but only just.... bit old and skinny imo.
I only have the two... they don't have to be sold together but they are right next to each other so...
take this to PM, I don't want to get in trouble for advertising or something.
Kylie eh? :naughty:
well i certainly don't see anything wrong in seeing her :p
of course the music she sings isn't something i prefer but i guess its not horrible either :)
Tinneth said:
Her sister looks much better. Personally I don't like any of their music.
Pffft! Dannii's just the poor man's Kylie. Although personally I'm not hugely fond of either, musically or... Well, y'know.
Although Can't Get You Out of My Head was fabulous. Oh yes.

Muse are a really really good live band, but it's a shame they now play really huge venues - I remember back in t' good old days... <Sighs>
I wish I was going, I bet its a gay guys pond.
SHIPPI said:
Ugh, Kylie...

Hope you have fun :E

Thankyou Shippi, but when the heck did you become a moderator? :hmph: ;).
Farrowlesparrow said:
She was a mod for 17 years already when the universe began.

Which isn't too bad for a 15 year old :|. Wooooowwwwwww super girl :O.

Congratulations Shippi. :thumbs: