I'm off.


Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
Alright, just packing photog gear for a trip down to the north coast :) I'll bring you guys back some pictures. Probably be gone a week hiking around north devon, we're thinking about making the round trip as long as the surf holds up.

Cheers, Jondy
Ohhh..Get GOOD pictures. I like pictures. Make sure they are background worthy ;)

Good luck, and have fun Jondy!
CyberPitz said:
Ohhh..Get GOOD pictures. I like pictures. Make sure they are background worthy ;)

Good luck, and have fun Jondy!

Heh, I think there's an old thread with some of my better ones in the art section, but yeah, I'll bring back some sweet ones assured :D

Cheers buddy :cheers:
Nice one, have fun! Can't wait for the pics!
*Now we wait a week for some awesome pictures and stories.*
Sta away from gay porn movies. You might bump into some HL2.net admins/Munro*

* Delete what is false
Insane said:
Sta away from gay porn movies. You might bump into some HL2.net admins/Munro*

* Delete what is false
{Everything stays up........O_O}
Down to the North coast? So you live north of the North coast? In the ocean?
Oh no! First Burnzie and now-

Oh, right, holiday. Have fun. :p