I'm Really Getting Mad. Please Help Me. *Cry*



I'm trying to install HL 2. :\ I hate Valve right now. Especially the HL2 tech support people. I want to slit their throats.

Anyway, I'm installing and I get this error "Internal Error 2902. ixoFileCopy"

:\ Then I click the only button (Ok) and it crashes. Has anybody else had this problem? :(
Are you installing it with Counter Strike Source? I heard that if you only install Half-Life 2 and not CS, you get an error. So that might be it.
Yes I am. :\ I've called tech support enough to know that. (God I hate those people.)
There's always the option to return it to the store. I recall someone saying they had a similar problem, then he returned it and got a new one and it worked.
what's the number for tech support? i sure would like to speak to a live person for a change.

sounds like a shonky disk. just install steam and register your cd key and install HL2 from the net. if you have broadband...