I'm sad now... *eXTREME SPOILERS*


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
*ending discussion follows*

So after about a month of playing, I finally stuck it to Fontaine and beat the game. I rescued all the little sisters. The ending was touching, but left me with an empty feeling. It felt tacked on, and... cheap. There was the very obvious *cut to video* moment, and at the end, it just dumps you right back to the main menu. It even cut off the last part of the last word in the game! No credits, no fade to cool logo, no closure.

I still think Bioshock is one of the greatest games I've ever played, but after all that build up, the ending just fizzled. 30 seconds wasn't enough. And I hate to have such a bitter taste in my mouth after such a delicious meal.

Even worse is the fact that one of the best games I'll ever play is finally over.

Make me feel better, darn it!
They definitely run out of steam at the end. But when was the last time you played a game that was epic ALL the way through??

You cant really blame them. What they created was a masterpiece in gaming, but as with alot of games, the ending is always a bit..'rushed'. They either started to run out of time or simply couldnt think of anything else to put. I mean, a story can only be taken so far right?

I agree it was a bit like running into a brick wall with a sudden stop, but hey, ill still be playing it again. I was still in awe about those 3 words and how they intergrated it before i realised i had finished the game.
Yeah, part of it is that because the Would You Kindly scene was so spectacular, you knew they were capable of amazing things. You kind of expected the end to blow your mind, to carry on the moral ambiguity, and everything that made Bioshock so great. But in the end it boiled down to KILL THE BAD MAN. At least his final words gave him some humanity.

Jacked up Fontaine was disturbing. D:

But when was the last time you played a game that was epic ALL the way through??
This one was so spectacular, I really thought they could do it. But alas.
In the Gamespot interview with Ken Levine elsewhere on this forum, he reveals that the decision to give multiple endings with a clearcut moral tone was something of a decision from 'on high', and ran a bit contrary to what Ken and co. really wanted to create for the game :/ I found the ending plain weak, but I didn't mind because the game itself was generally so fulfilling throughout. The fact that the ending was rushed doesn't make me forget the awesome moments in Fort Frolic, or the more brutal audio diaries, or whathaveyou.
At least his final words gave him some humanity.
Which ones?
The fizzling reminded me of Kotor2...
Good all the way through, fun differences, then the end is justa planet blowing up.
WTF. Not sure if there are any other endings...
Yeah, I just finished playing. What a truly shitty ending.