I'm Sad :(


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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My Chameleon, Iggy died this morning ;(
I don't get it, he was fine 3 days ago, then yesterday he started to get REALLY skinny, then he got so skinny he could hardly move, then this morning I found him dead. I have had him for 3 and a half years, they live for about 20, I think he got a desease, I took good care of him, cage always cleen, right temperature and everything... ;(

I'm not afraid to admit I cried either..

It's always hard to loose a pet. My cat Max... well, when she dies, I don't know what I would do... we have this... connection.
If you could enslave any pet to do your bidding, what would it be?

Personally, a chinese gold farmer is my first choice.

sorry, that sucks. i on the other hand cannot wait for my cat to die.
my dog at my hamster a few months back...i hated her for a month or two but now i think im starting to lighten up
I know how bad it is to lose a pet :( I'm so sorry.
Dog-- said:
My Chameleon, Iggy died this morning ;(
I don't get it, he was fine 3 days ago, then yesterday he started to get REALLY skinny, then he got so skinny he could hardly move, then this morning I found him dead. I have had him for 3 and a half years, they live for about 20, I think he got a desease, I took good care of him, cage always cleen, right temperature and everything... ;(

I'm not afraid to admit I cried either..

You didn't forget to feed him did you?
I think he got some kind of reptile desease or something, he was fine a few days back
God now I can't stop thinking about that morning when I found out my parrot was dead... ;(
AAaaaaargh! I can't stop tearing up :(
My friend had the worst one ever (don't laugh)
One of his dogs was ill around christmas time, they took it to the vet who gave some medication (it had a dodgy liver or something) thought it was going to pull through.
Anway, CHRISTMAS MORNING my mate goes downstairs and under the tree lying dead is the dog, with all the presents.
What a great christmas present, eh?
Pets dieing is gay, why can't everyone stay the same age forever, and never die?

(No over-population either, people can't have babies, that wuld be cool, you would never have to be sad over something dieing!)
Dog-- said:
Pets dieing is gay, why can't everyone stay the same age forever, and never die?
Because otherwise the world would be clogged within several generations and then we'd all die in one mass famine........ :rolleyes:

EDIT: I'd be very bored.
everyone has to go sometime, other animals (like cats/dogs) just dont live as long probably because they have a weaker immune system or something..eventually all of us will be dead and gone as well...
Zeus said:
everyone has to go sometime, other animals (like cats/dogs) just dont live as long probably because they have a weaker immune system or something
Things have evolved to live the ideal amount of time.
If something lives too long then the animal cannot evolve quick enough to keep up, the ones who breed faster gain the advantage.
There is usually an ideal number of years for each species.

(sorry, i've been in the politics forum evolution discussions again)
Sorry about your chameleon, reading this makes me feel sad :(
Sorry about your chameleon, bud. I hate loosing pets :(

Finding your dog dead under the tree on Christmas morning? That's... that's the universe being immoral.
I cryed for a few hours straight after giving my dog away about 3 years ago.

He's probally still alive but it still hurts, I miss him so much and it feels like I didn't try my hardest to train him properly and I took the easy way out by giving him away.
It's perfectly normal to feel greeved of losing someone special to you. But you know you got to dry up your tears and move on.

It's the circle of life, man. :)
gh0st said:
sorry, that sucks. i on the other hand cannot wait for my cat to die.

lol why's that?

last july, my cat had an infection on its neck. we took it to the vet, it had medicines. i suspect it died after going away to hunt at night (i think it's what they do). really miss chat :(