I'm thinking of changing my online gaming name, any ideas?

Dec 7, 2004
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I've been Killcrazy (the only thing I liked about Red Dwarf 8 :D) in online gaming and most message boards for close to 5 years now, what do you guys think I should change to? I've been using Warheit as a side name for about 6 months (based on Sieg from Chaos Legion) and I've decided I don't like it much.
Some ideas I've been toying with:

SpaceButler (Reference to Excel Saga)

I don't know, maybe I'll just keep Killcrazy or go back to Figaro.
Don't let anyone else choose the name for you, seriously.

But I'd recommend to go for something delicate and exotic rather than all the thousands of supposedly "cool" identical names out there.
Psychanalysis05% said:
I've been Killcrazy (the only thing I liked about Red Dwarf 8 :D) in online gaming and most message boards for close to 5 years now, what do you guys think I should change to? I've been using Warheit as a side name for about 6 months (based on Sieg from Chaos Legion) and I've decided I don't like it much.
Some ideas I've been toying with:

SpaceButler (Reference to Excel Saga)

I don't know, maybe I'll just keep Killcrazy or go back to Figaro.
I think you should be known as Bernard Cribbins.
Fluffy, FluffyMilk, PinkFluff

Anything fluffy is just neat ^_^
Try making modifacations to your real name. Thats what I did and it worked out well for me since they are usually far more unique than the standard fare of names used.

My last name Mullins became Mullinator
Names I've played under (fakenicks I know.. lame but :P )

AG-newbie (other varients on that: AG_TDM-newbie etc)
Internet Explorer
~wave.particle duality~

I'm just odd :)
The Mullinator said:
Try making modifacations to your real name. Thats what I did and it worked out well for me since they are usually far more unique than the standard fare of names used.

My last name Mullins became Mullinator

not unique, until I realised most of those are you hehe. Noticed the post about the whole hlsource member numbers changing wildly too hehe.
CrazyHarij said:
Don't let anyone else choose the name for you, seriously.

But I'd recommend to go for something delicate and exotic rather than all the thousands of supposedly "cool" identical names out there.
Dont listen to him, pick Fernado Vaniplasiticastediaz!
The Dark Elf said:

not unique, until I realised most of those are you hehe. Noticed the post about the whole hlsource member numbers changing wildly too hehe.
I did a search for my name a couple months ago and there were only around 3 other people out there with my nick. Some guy who modifies cars, some BMX fan, and somebody on some sort of "teen" website. There are alot more people with my nick out there now though. :eek:

heh, I remember that HLSource post, it certainly raised tension between us and HLSource. :cheese:

Oh ya, this website here:
Is not mine. I don't want anyone thinking thats me. :x

EDIT: heh, it seems all tripod websites are blocked, oh well.
Make up something using your imagination.
I did, and I have yet to see another "MiccyNarc".
While your at it, change your forum name, it sucks. :p

OT - Change it to Harry. Oh wait.;)
I used to play CS named 'My Little Pwny' ... people loved it :)
Try bunny. Or, as <someone> said, anything to do with fluffy. You can always be original and use something like....

New Book of Knowledge
National Bank of Kuwait (those last two seem familiar...)

^^^ All SOOO original...

I used to play with the username Player. Was kinda funny in games where they display you're name and then the person you killed.

lol, I can remember it now:

guy 1: "What the hell?! Who shot me?!"
guy 2: "Uhhh... player."
guy 1: "Thats really funny you ass"
How about this:


That way at least it's a word.
dart321 said:
I used to play with the username Player. Was kinda funny in games where they display you're name and then the person you killed.

lol, I can remember it now:

guy 1: "What the hell?! Who shot me?!"
guy 2: "Uhhh... player."
guy 1: "Thats really funny you ass"
Umm.. I don't get it.. If it says Player shot him, then Player shot him.. What's the joke...

yeah i thought the same vegeta, and theres about a thousand people called player, its the damn default name on CS for chrissake! Although pl@yer and playa and pl@y3r people i find are usually cheating scum :)
Calling yourself "Player" is akin to calling yourself "I'm a newb, please put me out of my misery"
vegeta897 said:
Umm.. I don't get it.. If it says Player shot him, then Player shot him.. What's the joke...


It's not so much a joke as it is irony. A player kills a guy on a game (who's name is player).

Guess it's just my weird sense of humor.
MiccyNarc said:
Calling yourself "Player" is akin to calling yourself "I'm a newb, please put me out of my misery"

Dem fightin' words! Bring it! :)

Edit: Oops. Double post. Sorry.
dart321 said:
Dem fightin' words! Bring it! :)

Edit: Oops. Double post. Sorry.
:sniper: @ dart321

*regains composure*

Nothing to see here...
Just hit your keyboard and use what results. lsibad and his sidekick usydk is coming for you all! >:D
The Mullinator said:
Try making modifacations to your real name. Thats what I did and it worked out well for me since they are usually far more unique than the standard fare of names used.

My last name Mullins became Mullinator

My first name Daniel became Danimal... Before I realised it was yogurt and everyone else used it
Danimal said:
My first name Daniel became Danimal... Before I realised it was yogurt and everyone else used it

Wasn't it your "Vargen" name? Oh, and yeah, could you explain more about Vargen, I've been googling it but I can't find anything since Vargen is swedish for "the wolf"..
Heh, I went by the monniker 'AliensAreTakingOverMyPants' on IRC for a while too.
I would have gone with Psychoanalysis05% on here before, but it didn't fit, so I trimmed the o.

I also used to use 'BobTheSalmonOfDestruction'