important CSS tip

Jesus Lincoln

Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
There is a little known thing in CSS and 1.6 about crouching. When you crouch, you head's hitbox increases, so sometimes, crouching isnt the best thing to do
Can you back that "fact" up with some proof, screenshots perhaps?
maybe it's to counter the fact that when you crouch your aim improves, and you are less easier to spot?
Proof? thats pretty hard to prove that in a screenie, but you can try it out for yourself
I was thinking of sv_showhitboxes, but yeah you're right I'll try it myself :)
Jesus Lincoln said:
There is a little known thing in CSS and 1.6 about crouching. When you crouch, you head's hitbox increases, so sometimes, crouching isnt the best thing to do

That was an old issue that was resolved way back in, I think, the 1.3 days. Even after that there where several fixes for the hitboxes so by 1.6 they are pretty much fixed.

Here is a little graphic of the hitboxes from those days. BTW:



Now, that being said I think CS:S has MAJOR hitbox problems but I suspect it is related more to netcode problems than the actual hitboxes.
Yeah the font is awful, but the paper still contains loads and loads of interesting information. It's a must read for anyone who wants to understand the inner workings of CS. :) It explains several of the problems many are having, and despite its being rather old (it's from the 1.3 era) much of the stuff still applies today.
I read when i used to play cs 1.6 that when you crouch, the head is pushed up above the rest of the body and is easier to shoot, not necessarily bigger but easier to hit. (from the front, i didnt know about the back, shoulder hitbox thing...thats interesting)
Ok, i just did some sv_showhitboxes and i didnt see any differance in the boxes, it was a friend who said this and it made sense, i guess, its just that youre smaller when your crouching so lets say when youre standing 15% of your body is head, when you crouch it is probably more like 25-30%
it would be nice if would release some information like this for the new netcode, so that the guessing and checking could stop. as far as "taking what steam assigns" thats bullshit. especially when it comes to rates. it always gives ya
rate 9999ish
cl_updaterate 20
cl_cmdrate 30

so if they made a calculation thingy for the real world, ie: broadband users and not 56kbs I would greatly appreciate it along with many others I am sure