Importing TF2 Models/Texures to 3DS8


Jul 18, 2007
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Righto, time to blow the dust off the old account, swallow my pride, and ask for some help.

For a personal project I'm working on, I would like to import - into 3DSMax8 - the TF2 Soldier, his Spade/Shovel, and the map CP_Well. Now, for this I have extracted the models, textures, and the map required - I have also downloaded Cannonfodders tools, Snakez FixVTF and FixBSP, and other tools which I may require.

Unfortunatly, I have fallen at the first hurdle: I can't decompile the .MDLs into .SMDs. When I click Export in MDLDecompiler it comes up with the "Can't decompile Model" error message. I've done the IDST0 -> IDST, thing and I've got the tools in the right SDK/bin folders but that hasn't worked, so I've spent the past couple of days scouring the internet for an answer. Could anyone provide one?

*EDIT* I have succeded in converting the required MDL files into SMDs.

In addition to the model's SMD's, I will need a way of importing the textures required; I was thinking of converting them to TGA/JPG and then applying them in 3DS. Should I do it this way, or is there an easier way (maybe involving a file/folder structuring system)?

The Map importing I have though about, and I think the best way would be to change to VMF to a .OBJ file, import it, then retexture it - as I've heard that the textures will not import. The methods of doing this relate to the 2nd part of this post. Any ideas?

I'm quite prepared to work solidly on this, so time and dedication is not an issue. Any suggestions/inquiries/support/derision that you may have will be much appreciated.
