Improve FPS



I have a problem...
My system:
Pentium 4 3.0
P5GD1 mainboard
512Mb Corsair 3200 DDR RAM
Asus EN 5750 PCI 256 Mb

Something is wrong with my computer... every game i play i get only 60.1-60.6 fps. I tried everythin is possible to fix the problem but i still have the same sh.t.
What should I do?! Please help me .
Thanks in advantage.
Hmmm, I have a lower end system (2.4 ghz) and I'm getting 60-70 FPS. Try cl_smooth 0 and see if that helps any. I'll try to find what settings I use and get back to you.

You must have some form of v-sync enabled in windows xp. v-sync limets your frames to 60.

Sorry but I dont know how to turn this off, check it out on google though because there is alot of information on the subject.

Remember to check your graphics settings in windows, and in hl2.
on your desktop:

right click, properties, setting tab, advanced, (i have a ti4200 so it might be diff for ati cards, not sure) go to the tab where it has your card settings, go to performance and quality settings, and look back into the window where it has a scroll down menu, scroll to the bottom and you will see Vertical sync. sry if the way i explain it sux but there you go :dork:

oh yea, if you cant find it, just look around in that area, should be there somewhere.
5750's arent the best card. try disabling or turning down some effects, like AA and AF. If your trying to run this card with ur settings cranked right up your not going to get much more than 60.

60 is a decent framerate if it is constant.
ok I posted my problem in the hardware forum and no one replied and I am going to post it again.

When I play hl2 or CS:S i get high FPS in indoor areas and just when I look at an open area, my FPS drops down to 20-25. is this normal? I get about 85 FPS in strees test at high textures + 1024 by 10280 res with 2AA and 8AF. I use the same settings ingame.

I also get low FPS in huge fire fights, I get to about 18-19 FPS

I mean come on... does source need a x800 XT to run the game with no slowdowns?

EDIT: my video card is a BFG 6800 nu OC and I have 67.03 drivers
You will get higher FPS indoors because there are less pollygons that are being rendered (less detail on the screen) opposed to out doors.

The Stress Test isnt a very good indicator on how your performance is going to be ingame.

All I can say is maby you should try lowering your texture detail to medium.