Improve FPS



I have a problem...
My system:
Pentium 4 3.0
P5GD1 mainboard
512Mb Corsair 3200 DDR RAM
Asus EN 5750 PCI 256 Mb

Something is wrong with my computer... every game i play i get only 60.1-60.6 fps. I tried everythin is possible to fix the problem but i still have the same sh.t.
What should I do?! Please help me .
Thanks in advantage.
If it were 20-45 I'd understand complaining, but 60?

You probably just jinxed yourself and will be doomed to a slideshow of a game from now on.
If it's maxing out at 60 and staying constant, you most likely have vsync enabled. Go into HL2's video options and make sure its off. if the problem consists, go to your video card's control panel and make sure it's off. Personally, i'd be happy with 60. i have a 9600XT and i get fluctuations from 35 to 100 depending on the situation. Hopefully gonna grab a 9800Pro soon.
I hate people like you, Boeviku.
I get 14 FPS. Anythign past 30 you can't notice, so stop friggen complaining.
Ok guys, he's just trying to say "I got such a cool PC, and I get better FPS than you. OMG HELP ME LOL I ONLY GOT 60 FPS!!".
SSJ4Vegita2002 said:
If it's maxing out at 60 and staying constant, you most likely have vsync enabled. Go into HL2's video options and make sure its off. if the problem consists, go to your video card's control panel and make sure it's off. Personally, i'd be happy with 60. i have a 9600XT and i get fluctuations from 35 to 100 depending on the situation. Hopefully gonna grab a 9800Pro soon.
This guy is right. Although you shouldn't be complaining.
Sounds like your monitor refresh rate is stopping you from achieving higher frame rates. You need to disable vsync.
BetaMaster said:
I hate people like you, Boeviku.
I get 14 FPS. Anythign past 30 you can't notice, so stop friggen complaining.
Agreed (though I get ~40 FPS so hah :devil: )
BetaMaster said:
Anythign past 30 you can't notice, so stop friggen complaining.

Incorrect. Come on, think about it for a minute.


Anyway, it seems that a lot of people are getting lower fps in HL2 than they should be.. or just games in general. It's probably to do with drivers and configuration. I've defragged all my harddrives, now I'm going to get all the latest drivers for ALL my hardware [harddrive, mobo, vid card, etc]. Then i'm going to see if changing graphics quality helps, freeing up more space on my harddrives, etc. Because right now I'm lost, and hl2 lags a hell of a lot [as do other games].
eat it, eat it up good. i get 15 fps sometimes when i play hl2 60 if im lucky!
hey the guys probably spent a fair bit of money making his machine worthwhile for this game (not necessarily this one, or JUST this one, but still..just a guess) and wants a higher than average framerate, as far as i can see theres nothing wrong with that, so cut down the bitching a bit, its annoying.
Well, like people say, it's the v-sync that's locking it to 60 fps.

So he should turn it off, in HL2 graphics options under "Advanced".
You can notice 60+ fps if it degrades the image quality by the "tearing" effect, but it's up to him if that bothers him if it happens, as I guess it will.

Now he knows what the 60 fps max thing is all about, though.
Garric said:
Ok guys, he's just trying to say "I got such a cool PC, and I get better FPS than you. OMG HELP ME LOL I ONLY GOT 60 FPS!!".

BetaMaster said:
I hate people like you, Boeviku.
I get 14 FPS. Anythign past 30 you can't notice, so stop friggen complaining.

If only that were true :( ...... it'd save us all a great deal of money.
Personally, I'd leave it alone. Vsync helps keep the video card in sync with the monitor so it displays a complete frame and you never see an incomplete frame (tearing). ;)
Ensure these parameters are met.

Graphics options at desktop. (assuming u are using latese nVidia Detonator Driver)

1. Disable Verticle Syncronization (vsync). helps alot.
2. Disable Antialiasing
3. Enable Bilinear instead of Trilinear
4. Disable Anistropic
5. Enable SSE/MMX instructions. very important
6. Graphic Details set to 'Performance'

In game Graphic Options.

1. set all to low details (if u dun mind the blurry texture, i
personally prefer medium)
2. simple reflection
3. simple shadows

hope these helps...
dru said:
hey the guys probably spent a fair bit of money making his machine worthwhile for this game (not necessarily this one, or JUST this one, but still..just a guess) and wants a higher than average framerate, as far as i can see theres nothing wrong with that, so cut down the bitching a bit, its annoying.

EUHM NO, he just got the comp from his mommy, just look at his GFX card, who the hell buys that piece of crap when they go for a custom made computer.
I have the ultimate FPS improvement fix...

ok this is my third time posting this, because no one has replied...

When I play hl2 or CS:S i get high FPS in indoor areas and just when I look at an open area, my FPS drops down to 20-25. is this normal? I get about 85 FPS in strees test at high textures + 1024 by 10280 res with 2AA and 8AF. I use the same settings ingame.

I also get low FPS in huge fire fights, I get to about 18-19 FPS

I mean come on... does source need a x800 XT to run the game with no slowdowns?

EDIT: my video card is a BFG 6800 nu OC and I have 67.03 drivers
2nd EDIT:
I am a Nvidia noob and I want to know what Negative lod bias is, should I set it to clamp or allow?
and what about conformant texture clamp? extension limit?
3rd Edit: I have a 250 watt power supply.... :)
4th Edit: I went from a 9600XT to this card... :dork:
Alright....i've never got why the hell you focuse so much on your fps when the game have NO lag at all @ highest settings...i mean wtf you won't notice it anyway...

I get between 20-30 fps on medium, no AA or water effects, so i get depressed when i readthis :stare:
Your power supply won't help your situation, 250W :S..... ouch, that could be limiting your card, I've hard there abit power hungry
I'm a bit gutted about winning only £10,000,000.00 on the lottery last night, also today only six of my girlfriends game over to jump me while I listened to sic dnb on my rubbish 25KW sound system, life just isn't fair man, just isn't at fair at all
You poor bastard. Drum and bass? You have my sympathy.