improving performance


Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Hi im making my new level cs_slum anyway I have dun about a third of the level maybee a bit less but im getting low fps. I think i need to hint so it dusnt have to process everything far away as when u look at a building witha nother 2 buildings behind it i get like 30fps. i want about 60
can any if u help me.
kind of hard to tell without being able to see your vmf

common things that help are making the skybox level fairly constant on the z level, the no draw thing as stated earlier, use portal blocking on all doors that open interioir geometry to an extrerior setting (forget what they're called), and remember it isnt teh bf2 engine and cant handle outside scnese with the same ease...
If the buildings are enterable, use areaportals in things like doorways, windows etc.
thx for the hints. the level is fiarly flat dus tieing toi detail help with this aspect of performance or is that just compile times. Do any of oyu know how to use the hint brush.ive been told to use tht but they never told me how.