In a stunning case of role reversal american tries to blow up mosque


May 5, 2004
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usually mosques try to blow up americans

A California man is in jail on a terrorism charge after he was arrested in Dearborn for allegedly trying to blow up the biggest mosque in metro Detroit, Dearborn officials said today.

The suspect was arrested in the parking lot of the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn on Monday, while hundreds were inside the mosque that sits along Ford Road, police said. He came to the city because of its large Arab-American and Muslim population, police said.|head

Dearborn Mayor Jack O'Reilly said the suspect "had a lot of high-end fireworks."

"It was the max you could buy legally."

They were not "conventional explosives," O'Reilly said. "But at that level, those things misused are terrific weapons."

hahaha. bet he'd play the star spangled banner while the mosque when up in fireworks
damn son, thats a wrong way to send a message
Good thing they caught him, he could have taken someone's eye out!
I can just imagine it.

"I'm going to do it!"

*Presses button*

Sheeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooooooo *poof*

*Mosque population cheer at the fireworks show*. said:
herp der heh fireworks depr herp

Yes because obviously fireworks and firecrackers can't possibly be used to make an improvised shrapnel bomb, no siree.
My hearing was damaged by a single bottle rocket.
My hearing was damaged by a single bottle rocket.

You got pussy ears.

I wonder if now people will see that fundamentalism, in all its forms, is what makes the crazy people so damn crazy.
Yes because obviously fireworks and firecrackers can't possibly be used to make an improvised shrapnel bomb, no siree.

Not with the mandated limits California has in place, no. Not a powerful, anyways. ANFO is a much better (not to mention cheaper) explosive for the job. It's not hard, if you invest some time, to make ANAP, which is extremely sensitive but incredibly powerful and could easily ignite a secondary charge of Tannerite which is incredibly powerful (as in approaching C4-level performance) and very, very legal.

If you're going to suicide-bomb, at least do a proper job of it.

Also, this article quite funny because of the role-reversal and the fact that the dude failed miserably.
As an encore, he ran screaming into a Buddhist temple, akimbo snakes a-blazing.

Yes because obviously fireworks and firecrackers can't possibly be used to make an improvised shrapnel bomb, no siree.

Let me show you the biggest firework that's legally available for purchase in Michigan.

SPARKLERS. ****, I was trying to think of sparklers.

So, just imagine that and how much funnier it would have been. Haha!
Let me show you the biggest firework that's legally available for purchase in Michigan.

Oh, OK then.

I was thinking more around the lines of those big firecrackers, that are essentially a tube filled with gunpowder.

A bucket filled with those bastards, add some nails and other assorted metal pieces, and you're in business.
We have big ass fireworks, but they use them at large public events and are supervised by emergency services. They aren't available to the public, but it's possible this guy got his hands on some.

Some states allow fireworks that are essentially a very small stick of dynamite.
I'm sure it wont be long before it's down to sparklers here too, unless fools stop shooting fireworks into Pack 'N Save.
We have big ass fireworks, but they use them at large public events and are supervised by emergency services. They aren't available to the public, but it's possible this guy got his hands on some.

Some states allow fireworks that are essentially a very small stick of dynamite.

And that is why living in Texas is awesome. For a couple hundred bucks you can have a show that rivals the pros.
What an idiot. A professional terrorist would have attached those fireworks to propane tanks for full effect.

But I truly can't wait to see how his sentence compares to the guy that tried to blow up times square using the same method.