In Canada Gravity obeys YOU


May 5, 2004
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probably explains why we're good at high jump, pole vaulting, Irish highkick dancing/prancing, standing long jump, competitive fence jumping, skipping, police officer getting etc

For years, scientists have known that compared with the rest of the world, Canada is a low-gravity area - although nowhere close to the zero-G phenomenon of space travel - but now, researchers have discovered that this country's peculiar gravitational field is even more pronounced in two northerly regions.

funny cuz whenever I've been to the US I've always felt heavy on my feet ..I just wrote it off on the effects of pollution but now I know it was just inferior american gravity
Silly Canadians, we stole your gravity. More gravity for the best country in the world!
I can now officially say I can jump 0.0000001 meters higher than you ;)
Gravity ... you don't appreciate it till it's gone.
Silly Canadians, we stole your gravity. More gravity for the best country in the world!

Exactly, we took it as compensation for the lack of hot & spicy food.

Because of course, The United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland as the best country in the world.

Anyway, this is quite interesting.
I blame George Bush...his administration knew about this for years!
probably explains why we're good at high jump, pole vaulting, Irish highkick dancing/prancing, standing long jump, competitive fence jumping, skipping, police officer getting etc

If Superman is true, then in theory woudn't Canadians be worse at those things? Other countries would be like kryptonite
sv_gravity 0

say "Hey! Everybody jump!

sv_gravity 99999999
Sweden is on the same latitude as northern Canda, so we should have the same effect here.
Your gravity is beeing syphoned to power the Black Hole war machine.
Thats it. Im moving to canada.

Funny story, one time me and some friends went on a road trip to cross the Canadian border because we thought it was the "longest open border in the world," but as it turned out we had to have birth certificates, IDs, passports and verification of what we had planned to do in canada in order to enter. What the hell? We ended up making some horrible story up and the cops took us in different rooms and pulled up background reports and called whoever they could find that knew us... that sucked. but its funny in retrospect. Getting back into the us was worse though... it involved 6 cops and a complete search/ interview of all persons and the car...

note to self - dont escape to canada via I 35.
what if everyone in canada have less weight?
You have a disturbing obsession with Lash.


No fair! No fair! Why aren't the mountains working? Where's that danged Oozium?

Man, imagine a Black Hole gravity weapon...