In Flanders Fields is Recruiting

Jan 13, 2004
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About In Flanders Fields
In 1914, the world was tossed into turmoil when Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a Serbian radical, bringing Europe, and the world, into a 4 year, 8.5 Million Lives Lost struggle, which we call The First World War. In every war, there are a few battles which stand above the rest, for whatever reason.

In Flanders Fields looks at battles throughout the war on the Western Front. From the mining town of Loos in 1915, to the bloodbath of Passchendaele, In Flanders Fields aims to capture the reality of war in the trenches, while giving a good, solid and atmospheric gaming experience to hardcore wargamers and casual players alike.

To learn more about the modification, take a look at the Information Section of the website. If you want to see a little bit of what we have to offer, you can always check out our Media Section as well.

About The Name Of The Mod
No, you won't see Homer with an Enfield in his hand. In Flanders, Belgium, in 1915, there was a Canadian medical officer by the name of John McCrae who etched a short poem in his handbook. In December of 1915, that poem was published, and became world renown.

For more information on John McCrae in a Histor!ca Minute (a series of commercials about Canadian History on Canadian television stations), click here. To read the chilling poem, visit this site.

What We're Looking For
In order to push iFF out of the door, we need to fill various volunteer positions to further develop and polish the modification. The following positions are available to be filled:

- Character Modeler/Unwrapper/
- Character/Weapon Rigger/Animator
- Character/Weapon Skinner
- 2D Artist (Textures, HUD/Game Graphics, etc.)
- Sound Engineer

All positions require at least some experience with the Half-Life 2/Source engine, and a portfolio (or favored examples) of past work to be presented. Modeling positions require the member to unwrap his or her own models, while 2D Artist positions require the artist to be able to compile his or her own graphics into the proper format for in-game use.

If you have another ability you feel could further enhance development that wasn't listed above, don't feel shy to apply either. For application methods (whether you are applying for an above-mentioned position or another), please keep reading.

Contact Information
Application Form:
Contact E-Mail: [email protected]
IRC: #flandersfields @
Direct Contact: Chief Phillips (click for messenger details)
this thread is truely profressional, the poem of John McCrae was very interesting and gave me a chill. i thought it was going to be funny but i was wrong