In New York, a Hero is a weird Sandwich

Do you try to save them?

  • Absolutely! Leave no man behind!

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • Sure, if he's saved my ass on occasion.

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • Not unless I've got full health and ammo.

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • Never! It's every man for himself!

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters


Nov 19, 2003
Reaction score
I'm just curious what kind of players we have here.

So, say you're at the very end of the No Mercy campaign. You fight through the finale, and the helicopter lands, and you all make a break for it. But the last player doesn't make it, he gets swarmed and calls for help.

Would you turn back and save him?

P.S. A cookie to anyone who knows where the title comes from!
Would you turn back and save him?
If there is any chance he can be rescued, I'll definitely make an epic rescue attempt.

If there is no chance then it's too bad for him - I'm not going to sacrifice myself for nothing.
I actually ran into this situation when I played once.

So we were playing the farm campaign, the four of us were all in the house waiting for helicopter to arrive. Two people were holding the bottom floor, and me and someone else were on the top floor getting rid of the zombies climbing onto the second story to crawl through windows. So we were both sitting there, and all of a sudden WHOOOSH in comes a smokers tongue, grabs my roommate and out the window he goes.

Now, in a split second I had to make a choice. We were on a good streak right then and had a great defense. However, my gut instinct was just to jump out after him to save him. Poor choice. The infected swarmed to him, and then to me. As it was the final wave, it was extremely overwhelming.

My other two survivors saw this, and they had to open the doors and attempt the zombie horde to save us. We totally fell apart.

Looking back, sacrificing one would have been a lot better than causing everyone to fail.

It's crazy how fast the game can change in a split second though. Damn smoker!
I'd try to save em, depending on how many Zombies there was, and obviously what type they were.
Leave him to die. It's what I'd do in real life. I'm going to use L4D to teach people how to survive a real zombie outbreak. Let the poor bastard die.

Also, gyro. A gyro is a sandwich.
I actually ran into this situation when I played once.

So we were playing the farm campaign, the four of us were all in the house waiting for helicopter to arrive. Two people were holding the bottom floor
I'm confused.

This game isn't out yet.
Heaps of people have already played it, both at Valve's internal testing and the many times they have had the game setup at various conventions and events.
Probably. If I succeed I feel like a badass macho hero and get a great buzz. If i fail I can laugh at it.

edit: All such heroism must be accompanied by voicechat
Only if I have full health and ammo AND the rest of the team does too.