In Soviet Russia, lake contaminates YOU


Apr 15, 2006
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STALKER: Shadow of Chelyabinsk

I think it'd make a great game.

Article said:
In late 1945, along the banks of the Techa River in the Soviet Union, a dozen labor camps sent 70,000 inmates to begin construction of a secret city. In a rush to close the gap in weapons technology, the USSR commissioned a sprawling plutonium-production complex in the southern Ural mountains. The clandestine military-industrial community was to be operated by Russia's Mayak Chemical Combine, and it would come to be known as Chelyabinsk-40.

Today, there are huge tracts of Chelyabinsk land still uninhabitable due to the radionuclides from the river contamination, the 1957 blast, and the 1967 drought. The surface of Lake Karachay is now made up of more concrete than water, however the lake's payload of fission products is not completely captive. Estimates suggest that approximately a billion gallons of groundwater have already been contaminated with 5 megacuries of radionuclides. The neighboring Norwegians are understandably nervous that some of the pollution could find its way into their water supply, or even into the Arctic Ocean.

Russia has long been fond of producing the most massive specimens of military might: the monstrous Tsar Cannon, the 200-ton Tsar Bell, the cumbersome Tsar Tank, and the 50-megaton Tsar Bomba. In that "biggest-ever" tradition, the Mayak Chemical Combine is now credited by the Worldwatch Institute as the creator of the "most polluted spot" in history, a mess whose true magnitude is yet to be known.
I feel so uneducated, i never knew about this. I guess Chernobyl was a lot worse since it was close to many population centers, and this was sort of more in the wild.
Still, epic fail...
Vrasshans and their really crappy way of dealing with their radioactivities.
Yes, they often used the term to emphasize the object in question; i.e. Tsar Bomba roughly translates to "king of all bombs".
STALKER: Shadow of Tsar
STALKER: Clear Lake

Buy em now!
STALKER: Highlander dun it.
Those crazy russians. Do we have anyone from that neck of the woods on the forums here?
That Chelyabinsk tradegy was the inspiration for the "Stalker" movie,not the game.