In the end...



What happens to Gordon?? I dont understand anything from what G-man is saying... How does he appear outta no where??

Someone explain please, i am VERY CURIOUS- i had a blast playing this game, was alot better than my expectations but I dont understand the ending:p
there's no official explanation, and nobody really understands what he said ...
Another job for another time (Half-Life 3 ;))
no one really understood what he said at the end of Half Life 1 either.

My only real gripe with the game was that the story didnt answer enough questions.
What questions are you personally still wondering?
I hope HL3 is the finals episode and explains everything!
It stuck me as odd that no one was curious as to where Gordon had been since the Black Mesa incident, nor did anyone think to tell Gordon what had happend since he'd dissapeared.

Although maybe they just thought Gordon was in a different city?
for some reason i thought Gordon died at the end and G-man was a guy from afterlife who brought him back to life before and this was the second time or something like that, im really confused :rolling:
My theory is that Gordon and Alyx are teleported due to the destruction of Bree's teleporter, similiar to what happened at the begining of halflife1 which started the whole mishap
My theory is sort of wild, but it kind of goes like this. Yes, I am going way out on a limb.

At the end of the game the gman speaks to Gordon as if he is some sort of "Bounty Hunter", although not specifically. In both endings he says he has been offered (what and for whatever reason is unknown) for Gordon's services.

To be blunt, I think that Gordon is the "bad guy" so to speak, and stopping Breen (if stop him we did) was a bad bad move as well. I think Gordon is responsible for everything. Throughout the entire game everyone praises you as some savior, but I always had the feeling that they knew something that I didn't. I think Gordon just doomed the human race.
Turn on subtitles

I think the G-Man is infact human. I think that alot of species are looking for someone like gordon. But as mommy always says
"The G-Man knows best!"
Which is why he decides, your future.
Gordan was stuck in space/time, gman teleported him onto the train when he needed him to change the timeline for whatever reason. remember no-one saw him board the train. This is why gordan hasnt aged, but everyone else has.