In Your Face Game Haters!!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I was reading my newspaper this morning and this was at the bottom of the front page. Finally, good publicity for video games!


Sorry for the image being so big, I shouldn't have zoomed in so close to it, meh... :)
I'll upload page A14 tomarrow, I'm going to bed now..
Argh, how can you give us one page and make us wait until tomorrow to read the rest :p
Tomorrow they'll retract the claim.
wtf, omg lol!!11! I haves teh 1337 literacy skillz, kkstfuthnx.
ha ha, good find, i like the way this journalist writes, :P. I'm really a genious.
That game design camp sounds like fun.

"Now boys, turn your manuals to chapter 5A, we're gonna learn how to insert a hot coffee mod."
yea until they realise that the kids are making games with guns, then they flip out.
Here is the next part: Page A14

It's too long (up and down) and I'd rather just post a link to it :)

theSteven, your signature seems highly inspired/quoted from Boy on a Stick and Slither. Confirm/deny?

And uhh... yeah, games and... educating the youth and such. Rock on.
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