Inadequate OS Privileges


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
I get this error when trying to join an online game. I right click the bf2 icon and run it as an admin (even though I already am) and it still gives me the error. I also set its compatability for xp sp2.

I'm out of ideas and I just bought this along with the special forces expansion via download from EA.

Can anyone help?
I had this when trying to play on Win 7 recently, I think it is something to do with PunkBuster. Can't remember the details, but ensure your PB is up to date first.
well, i went to the PB site and there is a program that will diagnose the PB install and see what is causing the problem....except the download url is broken (get a brain, morans).

anyway, i still can't play and i'm annoyed.
A problem with BF2?! NO WAI.

This sucks, I have no real answers to help.
Playing on W7 gave me huge troubles for that game, I just gave up on it. I'll try again when W7's XP runtime environment is finished and in the full version of the OS.