Incoming Source Media Update #9 [11/11/05]


Aug 3, 2005
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The Foreign Update!
This week is the first week that the public gets to see some of the first material relating to the Altair, the aliens in our game. The Altair focus more on curved design, while the humans have straight-edged weaponry as well as architecture. The Altair are more elegant and sophisticated along with the more "Futuristic" material between the two teams in our game.

First off we are showing some interesting material, which I am sure the fans will love. We are also unveiling our two beast, the Trex and the Raptor:

This week we are also showing a sneak peak to some of our custom textures that are currently in development by me, Praz. Some tile as of now, others are being made to tile as you read this. Sneak peakage:

Along with all of that material, we present to you a new wallpaper:
(viewable one includes the 1280x1024 version). Files page includes the other sides:


Earlier this week we were contacted by a new application labeled Vapour. It is basically a new program that resembles Steam, but is more geared towards the 3rd parties and focuses on Mods instead of Valve material. It is an amazing new application that should be checked out by going over to:

It has a very slick interface and you can also download custom skins to personalize it so that it matches your style.
Very neat, give it a look.

iSource Development is Hiring!
There are some positions to fill on the iSource Development team:

3D Artist. We are looking for a Modeler to focus soley on Prop models.
The core of the prop models are nature models (trees, plants, rocks, so forth).
You are not required to know how to UV unwrap, but it is highly recommended.
You are required to show previous work so have some ready when you apply.

2D Artist: We are also looking for a 2D Artist to make map textures as well as texture our latest props as well as the new ones that get made. You are required to show previous work so have some ready when you apply.

Weapons Animator: Currently looking for a person to focus directly on our new weapons and help us get them ingame as fast as possible. You don't need to worry about dinosaur animations or player animations as we have someone else that will be doing that. You are required to show previous work so have some ready when you apply.

Model Rigger: Our last position of the week. We are looking for an individual that is experienced in making custom rigs for the following types of models:
You are required to show previous work so have some ready when you apply.

If you feel that you fit any of these categories (or feel that you can help us in another way), then make sure to contact us as we would love to hear from you:
email: [email protected]
aim: praz1187
msn: [email protected]
icq: 54157633
irc: #incoming-source (

Or feel free to post in our Applications and Hiring Forum:

Onto the next topic. This week we are announcing the decreasing rate of weekly updates. We have reached a stage in development where we now need to focus one hundred and ten percent on the ingame material and work with what we have. There will still be updates, just not weekly. We hope you have enjoyed over the two months of updates that we have been doing and hope to hear input on our future updates as well. After this next weeks updates there will no longer be weekly updates. Don't be sad though, as we will of course still do updates to keep the public updated.

Our alpha has again been updated with some new material including a new type of recoil as well as a few bug fixes. We are constantly updating the alpha and working on new material and adding weapons fixing bugs. It's basically the annoying part until we hit the 'Beta' status.

Now its time for the Progress Update:

Models and Skinning:
-FNC30 Model textured.
-Angel Texture has begun (Dropship)
-Human shot gun (x2 variants) are underway.
-Alien weaponry is underwy.
-Both alien assault rifles have started.
-Trex Model is complete. (1770 polys for ingame model w/ normal maps).
-Raptor model (high-res is complete). - Working on ingame model.
-Altair Warrior player model is complete.
-Texture for the Altair player models is under way. (Specular Maps / Normal Maps)
-Street sign prop modeled and textured.
-Ma41 / Mp5 / SteyrM recompiled.
-Sako TRG-22 Sniper rifle is ingame.
-FN2000 model rifle is being re-compiled.
-All w_models are being recompiled to fix an alpha bug.
-Map textures being created like crazy.
-Fixed normal map for Human player model.
-one variant of 3D grass is ready.
-Tree and nature models underway by waedoe.

-inm_desloate is near completion. Needs one more base and a few new props.
-inm_strike still is still under production.
-inm_vast is under production as well. New base has been made for the human side in the map.
-inm_jungle is underway.
-inm_outskirts is also being developed and optimized by Jeo.
-inm_canals is being touched up immensly by JeanPaul.
-maps are being re-textured with official textures.
-Base model complete for Human Forces (x3)


-I still love Nokia.
-Nine page document typed for Programmers (being updated)
-Iron Sights have been adjusted.
-Melee attacks have been tweaked (smaller time intervals)
-Recoil System implemented.
-Depending on your movement your aim gets better or worse.
-Stance based accuracy added.
-New weapons are being added (Sako TRG-22 and FN2000) to the Alpha.
-Sniper Rifle ingame.
-Player model ingame.
-found the fix for the w_model bug.
-Rounds are being touched up.
-Animated crosshair has been added.
-VGUI menus being worked on.
-HUD design is being finished.
-Radio commands have been implemented.

-MX4 Animations underway.
-XR8c Animations underway.
-Test animations have begun on the Trex.

-Soundtracks still heavily underway.
-ambience sounds uploaded into the latest Alpha.
-Battlefield Audio Exp still underway by Ben (HalfNoise)
-Trex audio underway.
-Raptor audio underway.
You guys just fly with warp speed towards release :/

That's a good thing :p
Is the "20% Completion" thing on ModDB accurate? If so, it seems that from measuring what we've seen so far, that iSource is going to have alot of content.
20% is no longer accurate.

20% was when we were in August :)