Incoming Source - Small Update


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Breaking a short silence the Incoming Source team has released a small media update as well as some minor news.[br]

Hello there good folk.
We're poking our head out for a little bit to give you a glimpse of what has been going on behind closed doors and to let you in our world for a brief however-long-it-takes-you-to-look-at-them amount of time.

We're still testing, implementing new technology, features, content and all that awesome jazz.
We also ported from the HL2MP SDK to just the Source SDK recently.
To view their media gallery or poke around at the rest of the team’s website click here.
Why do they always photoshop the screenshots?!

are you talking about the blue or the contrast?

depth of field is common, and doable on source. ive never seen anything in source that contrasty though.

i think its rad with or without photoshop tweaks. if source is capable of that lighting im impressed.
Its looking ok i guess. When is it done ? I want to play.

Did anybody here play the original Incoming?
From what I can remember is was floating slab of BSP with a few wedges on it and some of the best HL1 vehicle code driving around ontop :p
are you talking about the blue or the contrast?

depth of field is common, and doable on source. ive never seen anything in source that contrasty though.

i think its rad with or without photoshop tweaks. if source is capable of that lighting im impressed.

I believe that's color correction they are using, also doable on source.
They're looking good, even too good. But with the new Source SDK they should be able to use Color Correction and DOF, so I guess they can be true.

Another thing is the interface, it's sleek and beautiful. Good job!
can you use DOF in the new SDK ? : o
