Increase weapon clip capasity ?


May 28, 2003
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I've been messing around with different console commands in HL-2 (increasing ammo reserve capacity, inc damage of weapons, inc damage radius of grenades, increased the recharge rate for the "boat gun" etc).

But one thing I can't seem to accomplish (which I'd really like to know) is how to increase the weapons' CLIP capacities ! Is this possible at all through low-level console commands or do you have to make a "deeper" mod to accomplish this ?

Note though, that I already know how to increase the SPARE ammo volume, I want to know how to increase the CLIP size (i.e. have the shotgun hold 20 buckshots before you need to reload). Is this possible and what console-command makes this possible ? (I've tried searching these forums (and google) as well as consulting several HL2 cheat sites for this info but found nothing about clips.)

Thanks for your time and help !
It's in the weapon's script file - (your mod)/Scripts/weapon_(whatever).txt

There's a field called "clip size". Change that.

-Angry Lawyer
I must of screwed up somewhere.
I wanted to increase the clip capacity for the Minigun in the Substance Mod, to have 100/200 (like the HWGuy's Assault Cannon in TFC).
Instead, I have 100/255.

How do I fix this to have 100/200 instead of 100/255? This is what I changed in the weapon_alyxgun.txt file;
"clip_size" "100"
"default_clip" "200"
I think "Default Clip" is how much you start with in the gun when you pick it up, not the max carriable.

Ask XDIESP, as you're editing stuff from his mod. He might not even be using weapon scripts for his guns.

-Angry Lawyer