Indestructible dog toys?


Oct 14, 2003
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So, my dogs have managed to destroy just about every toy I can throw at them. Most recently, one of these:

Its solid rubber, with a tennis ball fabric covering. They shredded it.

Right now the only thing I can do is keep rawhides stocked, and they go through a 12" rawhide bone at the rate of 2 every 3-4 days, so you can imagine that gets a bit expensive.

So, does anyone have any suggestions for nigh-indestructible dog toys?
cow femur, no seriously they're in every dog store ..lasts a lifetime ..get the bleached kind so it doesnt leave all kinds of bits all over the place .***bber can be a choking hazard and I've seen a few dogs need surgery after swallowing a piece of rubber they cant pass through their intestine friends dog died from it

also Kongs are pretty indestructible
I vote Human Bone...

Other than that, gezus, get your dogs teeth dulled! :O You might be next!
ooh, good to know... I'll have to keep an eye on them. Although, I don't think it'll be an issue with these dogs, they're like goats... well the one that was eating the rubber is at least. The other day, he pooped out like 4 feet of hemp twine. Its not the same as a chunk of rubber, of course, but you get the idea. Thanks for the tip :)
ya when my dog was a puppy I chased him around the house cuz I saw something hanging from his asshole ..turns out it was about a foots worth of thread from one of his chew toys ...should have seen the look on his face when I pulled it out ...did I mention that only about 3 inches was actually visible?

the kongs are seriously industructible ..I still have a few lying around and they're unbroken chew toy by far ..more expensive but worth it
On the dog related subject, has anybody eaten any dog treat bones? I must admit, the more expensive ones actually taste good, but the smaller ones are good for filling you up.
Get a piece of strong rope and use that to play with your dog.

Basketballs are good balls as well, strong and too big (at least for my labrador) to get a good grip on them with their jaws.
the kongs are seriously industructible ..I still have a few lying around and they're unbroken chew toy by far ..more expensive but worth it

We've got one, they won't touch it D:

Probably because they tried it and decided they couldn't destroy it, lost interest. Even when I put treats in it.
there's a kong that comes with a rope in a loop so you can play tug of war dog at first didnt like it either it's one of his faves
My dog struggles the most with rubber balls with squeakers inside, because when he bites it just compresses so he can't get a grip on it properly. He keeps going with them too, but he is a bit of an idiot.
On the dog related subject, has anybody eaten any dog treat bones? I must admit, the more expensive ones actually taste good, but the smaller ones are good for filling you up.

My mum used to eat Bonios. Then again, she's never been entirely normal!!:rolling: :cheese:
My mum used to eat Bonios. Then again, she's never been entirely normal!!:rolling: :cheese:

Haha. I love people that see me eating them, and freak out. They are like, "OMG THATS GROSSS!!!" which I don't know why? If dogs can eat it, why can't we? It's not like they are disgusting. It's good for dogs, can't be too bad for us :p
Haha. I love people that see me eating them, and freak out. They are like, "OMG THATS GROSSS!!!" which I don't know why? If dogs can eat it, why can't we? It's not like they are disgusting. It's good for dogs, can't be too bad for us :p

lol ...did you know that they use filler to give it a "meat" taste?

filler is usually stuff like brain, organs, lung tissue, bone, cartilage, marrow etc etc

not too mention chemical additives
cow femur, no seriously they're in every dog store ..lasts a lifetime ..get the bleached kind so it doesnt leave all kinds of bits all over the place .***bber can be a choking hazard and I've seen a few dogs need surgery after swallowing a piece of rubber they cant pass through their intestine friends dog died from it

also Kongs are pretty indestructible

Lies, I`ve seen a kong torn to shreds in under a minute.

It was terrifying and awesome.
filler is usually stuff like brain, organs, lung tissue, bone, cartilage, marrow etc etc

So what's your point.... *Starts chewing on Stern's brain*

Edit: On topic, I got my dog a chew toy that's made from a really tough rubber and has a metal core in it. It's been intact for years now. My dog first tried to tear it to shreds but finally gave up, good thing this toy has a "handle" on it so I can play thug of war with him LOL
My German Shephard had a Kong but he somehow managed to chew smaller end off. Now he just chews on rocks.