Indigo Prophecy

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Anyone else played it? I just finished it today.. Awesome game.
Hell yeah. I loved every second of it. Great plot, great atmosphere, and just really damn fun.
Didn't like it. But thats mostly cause I simply do not like the core gameplay.
Thing is I found all the times whne you had to puch those buttons fast very very annoying. Cause because of that your concentrating more on which button will light up then on whats happening on screen. In most games you react on whats happening in the game, in the story, you see a truck coming to you and you react by going sideways. Here in this game the buttons you have puch have nothing to do on whats happening on teh screen, hennce I just want to follow the stoy but I have to puch the buttons. Hence none of the action scenes were fun cause I was busy watching which button to press.

Plus in I did not like that they made simple thing unnesesairy complicated, some might say that adds to the immersion, but I like simple things like opneing a door to be done just at the press of a button, I do not like simple things like running or climing to be challanges.
It had a good atmosphere though. But I'll take broken sword & grim fandango every time over this game.
I stopped playing when the famale dectective fell in love and then slept with a guy who she was investigating for murder and in all probability suspected was just a walking corpse.

The game was getting pretty boring upto that point anyway and the nonsensical twist put me right off.
Very good game. I loved it, it is really really cool. But, there are some weird ass parts that I personally didn't like, like the Matrix-like things.
First scene is the best, and it gradually got worse over time tbh. Starts as a great supernatural thriller and turns into a silly B-movie Matrix-meets-Broken Sword amalgamation.
I finished it just recently and enjoyed it alot. Sadly, the plot really falls apart at the end when you get bizarre plot twists and the obligatory lame Hollywood romance between the main character and the leading lady of the story. It leaves rather large plot holes.

Still, it's pretty original and a refreshing change from the onslaught of the usual stuff and wouldn't mind playing something like this again.
Oh, to be sure. Especially the side story with the male detective and his girl friend. It bores the pants off you and then ultimately comes down to will he go to her parents cabin somewhere or not. I just let him go in the hope that I wouldn't have to deal with the pouting moaning bitch anymore.

Unfortunately the scene I described above came soon after and I just gave up.
Xune said:
Oh, to be sure. Especially the side story with the male detective and his girl friend. It bores the pants off you and then ultimately comes down to will he go to her parents cabin somewhere or not. I just let him go in the hope that I wouldn't have to deal with the pouting moaning bitch anymore.

Unfortunately the scene I described above came soon after and I just gave up.

It doesn't matter what you choose. They take him out of the story either way, which is also rather weak.
KagePrototype said:
First scene is the best, and it gradually got worse over time tbh. Starts as a great supernatural thriller and turns into a silly B-movie Matrix-meets-Broken Sword amalgamation.

Ditto. The story had a great potential, it screwed up when it became too extreme. The beginning was thrilling untill you get to play the cops, especially when you drive the claustrophobic woman through the basement... it was plain annoying.
Grey Fox said:
Thing is I found all the times whne you had to puch those buttons fast very very annoying. Cause because of that your concentrating more on which button will light up then on whats happening on screen.

David Cage said:
We discovered that while the center of the eye was focused on the 2D symbols in the middle of the screen, the periphery of the eye tries to have a sense of what's going on in the background. In my mind, this is exactly what would happen if the player were in the situation for real; the center of his eyes would be focused on his next move while also trying to see what's going on around him. It requires some time for the eye to get used to the system, but when it works, it creates a kind of third dimension that significantly increases immersion.

DeusExMachinia said:
Indigo Prophecy is better :(.
It really really isn't. Fahrenheit is more subtle and has far more gravitas. So nurr.

I liked it a lot - it was extremely inventive and it's nice to see a good adventure game after so long.
TheSomeone said:
Originally Posted by David Cage, Indigo Prophecy Creator and Designer
We discovered that while the center of the eye was focused on the 2D symbols in the middle of the screen, the periphery of the eye tries to have a sense of what's going on in the background. In my mind, this is exactly what would happen if the player were in the situation for real; the center of his eyes would be focused on his next move while also trying to see what's going on around him. It requires some time for the eye to get used to the system, but when it works, it creates a kind of third dimension that significantly increases immersion.
Didn't have that effect on me. It was just annoying it distracted me from the game. Pushing the right buttons while at the same time trying to understand the story is not intersting nor fun, hell it isn't even intersting if nothing was going on. It's weak gameplay. If i see a truck coming at me I want to be able to go right, left, down and keep my eye on what is going on. This game was hardly more then some movies with inbetween then interesting story that you could not follow cause someone thought that pushing buttons corresponding to the ones on teh screen is fun and challanging gameplay.The only interesting challanges this game had was deciding which thing to say first so not to upset someone. I did not like the timer it had on that either.

el Chi said:
It really really isn't. Fahrenheit is more subtle and has far more gravitas. So nurr.

I liked it a lot - it was extremely inventive and it's nice to see a good adventure game after so long.
Didn't you like broken sword.
Grey Fox said:
It's weak gameplay. If i see a truck coming at me I want to be able to go right, left, down and keep my eye on what is going on. This game was hardly more then some movies with inbetween then interesting story that you could not follow cause someone thought that pushing buttons corresponding to the ones on teh screen is fun and challanging gameplay.

First of all, that's a HUGE "IN YOUR OPINION".

Ther'es no way you could incorporate an arrow keys control scheme and do all the things you could in the game. The game is [b[meant[/b] to be a purely cinematic experience, it's not a twitchy press the arrowkeys and mouse to shoot.

I don't know what you're talkinga bout "interesting story that you could not follow" The button pushing sequences had no story development, they were just action sequences. As I previously showed, David Cage was a hundred percent aware that the player can't really see what's going on while playing simon says, so he designed those scenes to be really intense and cool, but not be crucial at all to the story. I'm sure you could skip those scenes all together, replace it with "Lucas escapes" or similar phrases and the story would still make sense, so don't use that as an excuse.

Grey Fox said:
hell it isn't even intersting if nothing was going on.

Yeah, no shit, but there IS something going on, that's the whole point.
el Chi said:
It really really isn't. Fahrenheit is more subtle and has far more gravitas. So nurr.

I liked it a lot - it was extremely inventive and it's nice to see a good adventure game after so long.

Nurr yourself. I'm glad they renamed for the US.
DeusExMachinia said:
Nurr yourself. I'm glad they renamed for the US.
Well fine then. I'm glad. Looks like it worked out best for both of us then. So nurr.

Grey Fox said:
Didn't you like broken sword.
Meh - I was particularly whelmed (not under-whelmed, not over-whelmed...) It had some decent puzzles, the plot was ok, and it had a nice approach to adding a third dimension to adventure games. It tried "action" type moments, but Fahrenheit did them much much better.
TheSomeone said:
First of all, that's a HUGE "IN YOUR OPINION".

Ther'es no way you could incorporate an arrow keys control scheme and do all the things you could in the game. The game is [b[meant[/b] to be a purely cinematic experience, it's not a twitchy press the arrowkeys and mouse to shoot.

I don't know what you're talkinga bout "interesting story that you could not follow" The button pushing sequences had no story development, they were just action sequences. As I previously showed, David Cage was a hundred percent aware that the player can't really see what's going on while playing simon says, so he designed those scenes to be really intense and cool, but not be crucial at all to the story. I'm sure you could skip those scenes all together, replace it with "Lucas escapes" or similar phrases and the story would still make sense, so don't use that as an excuse.

Yeah, no shit, but there IS something going on, that's the whole point.

There were stoy development when you had to push the keys, for one I can remember whne you were with agatha, and you were going deep inside your mind to see what happend that day in the restaurant. And as far not beeing able to do all the things you did. What are you talking about no matter what action sequence there was you did the same basic things. It didn't matter if he was driving or fighting matrix style it all came down to doing the same basic thing. I would rather have had less intricate action scenes but with more controlls, and most of all with more interesting, fun and challanging gameplay. Plus the action itself was never intersting or immersive for me cause having to look at it out of the cornor of my eye doesn't really immerse me. And like you said yourself if david cage was himself 100% aware that what was going on the player couldn't really see, why put it in the game in the first place. that he was war of it does not excuse it, they simply made a bad design choice. And if you ask me the game was twitch as hell, you had to puch the right buttons at exactly the same time and in the right sequence, thats what I would call a twitchy game, where you need fast reflexes.

Yeah, no shit, but there IS something going on, that's the whole
Trying to diss someone on a forum doesn't make you cool, it just shows your maturity. now as far as what I said.
I meant it in the way as if it woould have been a standalone game on itself. Lets say for example tetris, you could have incorporated it in the game and player himself would have had to quickly decide where to put the blocks and how in the action sequences, and if he did it succesfully the character would win. Now if you would take that out of the context of the game itself, it would still be fun to do. But pushing buttons corresponding to the ones on the screen would not have been fun. and now that were are at it, since the player really doesn't see what is happening accoring to david cage, then there is no actual point in showing the scenes.
Grey Fox said:
Trying to diss someone on a forum doesn't make you cool, it just shows your maturity.

There are also a large amount of posts on this forum that show your maturity. Trying to diss someone on a forum is one of them, and its not cool.

And, I really don't think he was...dissing you.
This is dissing though.
Grey Fox said:
**** you and go to hell, all of you ****ing morons.

And your sig is too big.
*huggles Samon*

Grey Fox said:
Now if you would take that out of the context of the game itself, it would still be fun to do.
Yeah, and I said that was obvious, but apparently you chose to interpret it as a personal attack. Go figure.
DreadLord1337 said:
Anyone else played it? I just finished it today.. Awesome game.
Finished it last week (fahrenheit as its called on the otherside of the pond), was stuck at the part on the schools roof though for quite some time
great game absoloutly awesome finished it today actually although the twists near the end leave me thinking wtf :rolling:
Ditto... awesome beginning, went pretty good for a while, then the Matrix happened. Blarg.

Running away from monsters in the office was a lot of fun, although the ending (of that scene) was a bit suss (It's pretty much the same bit as if you die, except you get a game over screen if you die and the guy says 'OMG, He's swallowed his tongue!').

It's a great game though.

And Fahrenheit is the better name IMO :P