Inducing A Dream.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I was reading spookymookys "Terrible Dream" thread and I realized I havn't had any type of dream for months, I usually have at least one dream every week, but like I said I havn't had one for atleast 2 months, how can I induce a dream?
Think really really really really really really hard about something before you go to sleep.

Personally, I recommend the bow-chicka-bow-wow.
You ALWAYS dream. You just don't remember it. You usually forget whatever memory you had of any dream if you get up quickly in the morning and have lots of things in your mind.

Try lying completely still in your bed for a short while and look back on the night.

I don't know why you don't think you dream, I mean usually there's always something we dream about, a dream, hope, fear, or just subliminal stuff that's been gathered throughout the day. Especially the stuff we seem to surpress arises in dreams.

Usually I dream all night about something I just thought about for a second.

Sometimes I get musical inspiration from dreams, even entire melodies, but I always forget it. :(
keep a journal next to your bed to write it down as soon as you wake up
what usually works for me is just thinking for a while. Then I force my mind to dream, by previously thinking: tonight I'm gonna dream.
You dream when your in a light sleep, so maybe you should... I dunno, sleep in.
Some mormens reckon they know when there dreaming.
Take around or over 800 mg of dextromethorphan and you'll dream. Sort of. It will certainly feel like a dream.

And like a dream, the next day you will either remember nothing or only incoherent fragments.

I'll certainly be tapping forth the deranged nectar of my mind in a few hours.
WaterMelon34 said:
w00t for drugs?

Indeed. It just kicked in. I'm going to take a shower and stop my skin from burning.
Absinthe said:
Take around or over 800 mg of dextromethorphan and you'll dream. Sort of. It will certainly feel like a dream.

And like a dream, the next day you will either remember nothing or only incoherent fragments.

I'll certainly be tapping forth the deranged nectar of my mind in a few hours.
DXM, eh? I approve.
I prefer DMT. Machine Elves ftw.

Just kidding. My only drug is vagina. The female kind. :naughty:

Anyway, I don't really know any way of forcing yourself to dream. For me, really powerful dreams almost always occur when I've had a very emotionally charged day- very sad, very happy, very stressful, very anything.
Icarusintel said:
DXM, eh? I approve.

Yeah, ****ing soft face fux ;eatherlips **** it I'm too far in. LAst post for the night.
You only remember a dream if you wake up during it. Otherwise the dream is forgotten is your sleep past it and you start to dream again. You wake up slowly by going through different stages of sleep and you leave the dream stage before you wake up and hence don't remember anything if you sleep well.
Teta_Bonita said:
Set your alarm clock earlier than usual. That might work.

Well, yea but this is why it works for me:

If I wake up after about 6-7 hours of sleep (because of alarm clock), I won't feel rested and I'll want to keep sleeping. If I do end up going back to sleep, then 2-4 hours later I'll wake up again and remember like 5 different dreams...
But if I only get the 6-7 hours of sleep I won't remember any dreams.

So I only remeber dreams on days I can sleep in: weekends and days I miss school :P
Idonotbelonghere said:
Well, yea but this is why it works for me:

If I wake up after about 6-7 hours of sleep (because of alarm clock), I won't feel rested and I'll want to keep sleeping. If I do end up going back to sleep, then 2-4 hours later I'll wake up again and remember like 5 different dreams...
But if I only get the 6-7 hours of sleep I won't remember any dreams.

So I only remeber dreams on days I can sleep in: weekends and days I miss school :P

Thats because after those 6-7 your body is pretty much fully rested. So when you go back to sleep you get deep enough into the sleep cycle to dream and your body then realizes your plenty rested and you just wake up and will remember it. Then you go back to sleep again and do it over. You might even remember a second or so of opening your eyes.
I haven't remembered a full dream in over a year. Lately I've been vaguely remembering some of them....

I seriously used to have a reocurring dream where I slapped people I knew with a fish over and over.
Often dream about work, or something related to work. Is annoying as i hate work and want to dream about good fun stuff!
Absinthe said:
Yeah, ****ing soft face fux ;eatherlips **** it I'm too far in. LAst post for the night.

Drugs are bad, mmkay..

My dreams are usually these long strangely coherent stories, almost like movies at times. Usually something really weird is going on or just some different thing happens to my "daily life". Wen I dream it feels like they're going on for a few days, sometimes up to a week.
Inducing dreams eh?

Point A: If I think of really scary stuff before I go to bed, I NEVER have nightmares.

Point B: I've been wanting to get this airsoft gun for weeks now, and I must have had 20 nights of airsoft dreams already. No kidding.

The one I had last night was awesome... My brother bought all these metal replacement parts for a springer I currently have. :D
Other airsoft dreams involve actually playing... Something I have yet to do. God damn it was fun :D

So, I guess if you are obsessed with something, or looking forward to something, you'll dream about it?
Best way to induce dreams is to go back to sleep several times.
When you're in that "half sleeping" time in the morning.

Usually it means you have to stay in bed for a few more hours than normal to achieve.
Times when you are passing in and out of sleep you can have lots of dreams.
Set your alarm clock for 1 in the morning or something, then you'll remember your dream.
I actually have a lucid dreaming MP3 under my control, but its too awesome to relase to the outside world.
Solaris said:
I actually have a lucid dreaming MP3 under my control, but its too awesome to relase to the outside world.

They're not exactly uncommon...
Sulk, stop touching yourself, we can hear it :|:|:|

I never remember dreams, I used to all the time :(
Absinthe said:
Take around or over 800 mg of dextromethorphan and you'll dream.
o.< I'd rather smoke coke than take that stuff. So terrible for you :|

Oh, and if you sleep next to your computer, set it to flash red and green lights at 2 am
If you make sure to relate the question of "Am i asleep?" with flashing red and green lights you'll lucid dream
(I just made this up, i don't actually know if it'd work...)
(It'd work with music too)
I used to have lots on my computer, all kinds of hemisync, oobe, lucid dreaming stuff. A common feature is alot of noise and sinewaves that gradually (and seemingly unnoticable) reduce in pitch and affect your brainstate somehow.

The effects of this stuff can be pretty scary/unsettling, it's important to try and ignore it and be as calm as possible. I experienced stuff like my heart racing like hell, the entire body vibrating, hearing very loud sounds or even voices (usually something I heard during the day, or my thoughts being almost loud, or a relative shouting "NO!" Think it's part of some kind of brain thing going on, like stuff you've heard during the day gets replayed or something like that) and stuff.

Here's a few MP3s I found, not sure if it's good or not, the best stuff is usually found on random forums or on file sharing networks:
Ikerous said:
o.< I'd rather smoke coke than take that stuff. So terrible for you :|

Not really. Only if you're an idiot with it.
Absinthe said:
Not really. Only if you're an idiot with it.
Yeah, I can;t see how coke would be a good alternative to it at all, especially since coke is far more addictive
Coke is far healthier though

Iunno, i'm just not fond of dissociatives, especially not ones as harmful as dxm

It's probably just me though :p
dissociatives are scary
but i was laughing at absinthe's post

dxm is a poor man's drug, weird as shit
Uriel said:
Then I guess you couldn;t do anything, really, since your body uses drugs like adrenaline all the time