Industrial/Electronic Rock suggestions


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
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Today I started searching for more industrial/electronic rock bands using youtube, and inevitably i didn't like anything I found. The only exception was a song by the German group Feindflug. After acquiring the album which contained that song, surprise surprise, I didn't like anything else on it.

So that's why I turn to you, for some music suggestions.

I already have the NIN and Rammstein discographies, so it would have to be something else.
Preferably it would have to be instrumental.

To give you an idea of what kind music I'm looking for:

Ironicaly I have looked for Sonicmayhem, and Fron Line Assembly, who composed the music for Quake 3, and didn't like any of their other stuff. :|
You didn't like anything else from Sonic Mayhem? He was the first name that came to my mind when I looked at the topic title. My two favorites from Q3A:

I'm looking for more of this kind of stuff as well. But outside of mostly some NIN stuff I haven't heard much that keeps me interested.

I meant I didn't like any of the other stuff by sonicmayhem outside of the Quake 2 and 3 soundtracks. However looking closer at his discography it looks like he composed the songs on the PROTOTYPE soundtrack, which I liked, but that's a different style of music.

So far the only 2 comercial bands I like that have a similar style of music are NIN and Rammstein.

It seems this is kind of a small niche in the music industry and bands that have this style are hard to find, if any.

As far as game composers go, Frank Klepacki's stuff is also good.
I had a friend who was really into Corrosion Of Conformity, never really listened to them but apparently they were along the same line as NIN (or from what I remember)
I had a friend who was really into Corrosion Of Conformity, never really listened to them but apparently they were along the same line as NIN (or from what I remember)

Listened to a few songs on youtube, and they sound good, but it'a classic hard rock/heavy metal band, nothing like NIN at all.
Feindflug! Stukas um Visier, Rotor Schnee, and Kalte Unschuld are the three standouts from them for me.
Nine Inch Nails i think did Quake, and they are definitely Industrial Techno. also Frank Klepacki did the Red Alert and a shitload of other good OST for many games. check him out. i love NIN though, but you have to be in that mood to listen to it

edit: oh sorry man, didn't know you all ready had the NIN discography. anyway your ****ed! there is no more to listen to!
edit: oh sorry man, didn't know you all ready had the NIN discography. anyway your ****ed! there is no more to listen to!

Hahah, I also mentioned Frank Klepacki. I have most of the work he has done for game soundtracks. I'll just have to get the albums he released himself.

I'm really surprised there aren't more artists with this kind of style... :|