Infinite Undiscovery

**WARNING** The following statement may or may not contain opinion based on the posted video alone **END WARNING**

Shitty name, shitty dialog, shitty acting, shitty concept. And what the hell kind of power comes from the moon?

Looks like shit.
At first I thought the art was fantastic, with those big cities and all. Then they spoke.

How does Square-Enix go from Final Fantasy to this? Must be their b-team.
My x360 gave me the RROD today, but it's still within warranty, so with any luck, I'll be able to trade it for a new one right in the store (even though I'd much rather have the money back).

On topic, the game does look to be very shitty
Using the word 'Infinite' in a product title always seems ridiculously uninspired to me. This game basically sounds like a really bad Final Fantasy fanfiction, though in all fairness, really bad Final Fantasy fanfiction is pretty much what Square-Enix have started peddling anyway. And it's still a better title than 'Advent Children', which sounds like the tabloid name for the victims of a serial paedophile's Christmas rampage.
The opening FMV bits looked awesome, but everything from then on went to shit. Honestly, do japanese devs just not know how to program on US hardware? I'm no graphics whore, but that looks awful.

Oh well, the Last Remnant still looks like it could be okay, but it certainly seems like JRPGs on the 360 might be doomed to failure or mediocrity, no matter how much money Microsoft throws at them.
Yeah, you all should wait for the new Tales like me (the one for the Wii and the other one for the 360). ;)
Well that looks rubbish.

Even complete with 1960s Asian cinema unmatched dubbing. nice.
holy **** on a pancake that looks cack O__o

the voice acting is terrible
the dubbing is as bad as some anime dubs
storyline is really bad even by square enix terms
that thing where the character says the name of his move every time he uses it won't get annoying in the slightest :|
also what sort of title is that. I'm sure undiscovery isn't even a word O_o
Hah, type "undiscovery" into Google and see for yourself. :P

Must be a word they couldn't properly translate from Japanese, but in that case it would've been wiser (and more merciful) to just rename it altogether.
i did better than that i typed undiscovery into Chambers Reference Online and it came up blank :P
Game looks like shit,

How the **** do you get power from the moon?
i did better than that i typed undiscovery into Chambers Reference Online and it came up blank :P
Well, I was referring more to this:


Oh, also important to note (look at the description of the first link) that Square are actually only publishing this one. It's being made by Tri-Ace, who were responsible for the Star Ocean and Valkyrie Profile games. I always heard good things about their games, though...
Tri-Ace used to be ace.

in their past games, you have the option of turning of many features, for example, turning off the voices when they announce that they are doing a special move.
Yeah, they have made some wonderfully awesome games like Valkyrie Profile 1 & 2, Radiata Stories, and the Star Ocean games. Why this one looks so bad is a mystery to me. Hopefully we will all be proven wrong when it releases and it will be heaped with praise for taking the genre in a new direction. Let's hope that is the case because right now it looks a little too hum-drum.