Info on MGS4


Jun 25, 2004
Reaction score
Anyone who has actually read the Famitsu that this comes from could probably help even more, but here are some major details.

Snake is older and looks it
He is fighting on an ACTUAL BATTLEFIELD, which goes for the "no place to hide part" - there are tanks, soldiers fighting, aircraft, explosions, etc.
Probably no more exclamation points and question marks above soldiers' heads, you'll be able to tell if they spotted you by their facial expressions and actions
Raiden is back and is supposed to be extremely cool now (as I had hoped)
There are two countries fighting, but possibly many more competing interests in those countries
If you help out one country by killing soldiers from the other country you gain respect with them
Otacon's back and more detailed
Psychological effects somehow figure into the game, like if you're getting shot at you might have lessened aim or something
Screens are supposed to look awesome and Kojima says they're gonna get better over time.. and it's all running on PS3 hardware
yep saw the screens, snake(i presume, not big boss, wrong eye, i hope its not solidus anyway) looks a hell of alot older, the screens are great, i'm really excited for tgs now...

also the mechanized eye patch thingy might just be a new gadget(cleverly implented by koj to get speculation going) as in the scans you see a red screen that is first person with virtual info (squares n stuff) sorta like the terminators view...

great stuff...although not a fan of the moustache tbh

an example of this, Kojima suggests that the exclamation marks, that in past MGS games have indicated when an enemy has discovered the player, may disappear from the game. MGS4 is apparently capable of expressing such an event naturally, based on the facial expressions and the motions of the enemy.

Gargantou said:
/me wets his pants.

you didn;t look at the second source, did you?
yeah, I'm really excited about this, i mean, Snake couldn;t stay 40-something forever, good to see they're showing the effects of aging, I'm really excited to see how Raiden looks now too
Icarusintel said:
you didn;t look at the second source, did you?
yeah, I'm really excited about this, i mean, Snake couldn;t stay 40-something forever, good to see they're showing the effects of aging, I'm really excited to see how Raiden looks now too
otacon doesnt look much older so i'm guessing this guys point at gamesradar's forum is correct:

As I've mentioned on the page before this, Snake and the other Big Boss clones suffer from premature aging due to the cloning process. Thus he looks a bit vintage.

also the eye thingy is

It's a Vision Augmentation device - AR

looks and sounds a cool raiden *faints*:eek:
Oh, sorry.*Me has a major mental breakdown*
Now if they can circumvent Hideos' penchant for philosophical babble.
Absinthe said:
Now if they can circumvent Hideos' penchant for philosophical babble.
personally, i love it, it makes it more intellectual than most other games, which is really cool
There's a line between "intellectual" and its pseudo variant.

I can appreciate an underlying lesson in my games. I'd just prefer not have them dropped onto me like a 10-ton cinder block.
Icarusintel said:
personally, i love it, it makes it more intellectual than most other games, which is really cool

It would make MGS more intellectual if it actually made any sense and wasn't incoherent psuedo-philosophical mumbo jumbo.

EDIT: Haha. Beaten to the punch.
Wow, they're not kidding when they say "old"... he looks almost exactly like Big Boss, futuristic eyepatch included. I can't wait to find out what the story is...

The only concern I have is that every game is one step further away from the origonal MGS for the Playstation 1... I doubt I'll ever experience a game as good as that again :( I mean, take MGS4... it's bigger, better, bolder, with more guns and electric eyepatches that you could shake a high-tech plot twist at. But whatever happened the the lone agent, oblivious to the conspiracies swirling through his command? It's all blown so much out of proportion...

Hopefully, before Hideo completely kills the series in a barrage of bizzare and unpredictable crap, they'll make one last sneak 'em up which goes back to basics, and ties up the storyline nicely. And I want referances to Meryl, damnit!! And don't ressurrect her as some sort of twisted uber zombie! And no aliens... oh, whatever.
now instead of rations do you collect cod liver oil tablets? and can snake still fire guns with his arthritis?
Anyone care to tell me where I could find the screens? :I

edit: oh yeah, nevermind.
Atomi said:
Anyone care to tell me where I could find the screens? :I
No linking to the scans. There's nothing against talking about them, though. Anyway, by the sounds of it MGS4 will be set against a much more realistic backdrop - none of that fantasy nonsense from the previous games (I don't care if it's a spoof or whatever, it was ridiculous). Naturally, the graphics look amazing, and Snake still looks badass even though he has a moustache. Heh.
Axyon said:
No linking to the scans. There's nothing against talking about them, though. Anyway, by the sounds of it MGS4 will be set against a much more realistic backdrop - none of that fantasy nonsense from the previous games (I don't care if it's a spoof or whatever, it was ridiculous). Naturally, the graphics look amazing, and Snake still looks badass even though he has a moustache. Heh.
my second link doesn;t go too far, does it?
Icarusintel said:
my second link doesn;t go too far, does it?
Afraid so, I'll have to remove it. Seriously though, the scan is all over the Internet now, it takes very little effort to find it ;)
Axyon said:
Afraid so, I'll have to remove it. Seriously though, the scan is all over the Internet now, it takes very little effort to find it ;)
Alright, sorry about that...

good thing i saved it...:thumbs:
Bwehehe, the new Geriatric Snake looks rather silly and camp, with his tash and hair. What's Snake up to, anyway? Retrieving his zimmerframe without being spotted?
I think I'll rip ocelot's balls out if that's snake. You think ocelot's still alive?
I think Ocelot's still in it. The theory that Solid ages far faster than actual humans looks to be true here, as there's also a scan of an in-game Otacon (which looks fantastic) who only looks a few years older than MGS2.
I saw the scans but I will not say anymore. I think it was Big Boss who was in the screens. It stirred up a bit of a debate. Some people said the eye patch it was on the wrong side which lead some people think it is Solid Snake but Solid Snake isn't that old.
my guess is Solidus and not Big Boss.

BTW, old snake = Lewz, I, for once, want to play as Raiden.
Oh dear lord what did they do to our beloved Solid Snake? He looks too old. Otacon looks really amazing though. WHy does Solid Snake have an eye patch? Snake is the one with the eye patch not solid.
Big Boss si tot! And so is Solidus. I think we can safely assume that this is in fact "Snake the geezer".

Obviously, they ran out of ideas. So they're trying to pull the same "OMG GENETICS AND FATE DESTINY FISSION MAILED" bullcrap again. Because Snake's eyepatch is an allusion to Big Boss, and so is Solidus' eye patch, and MY GOD GIVE IT A REST.

Christ, why don't they just poke out every character's right eye and call it a day, eh?
why do people have a problem with an old snake? so long as you still get to play him,what's the problem if he's grayed and wrinkled?
Icarusintel said:
why do people have a problem with an old snake? so long as you still get to play him,what's the problem if he's grayed and wrinkled?


Put simply, I can no longer beat my bunny to Snake.

Oh, and I dunno. Playing a guy that requires Depends isn't majorly appealing to some people.
Isn't Solid Snake supposed to have some kind of fore arm blades? The poster also showed Snake with a beard and both eyes.
Icarusintel said:
why do people have a problem with an old snake? so long as you still get to play him,what's the problem if he's grayed and wrinkled?

The reason playing Snake was so fun is because he was a badass, old people in tight body suits is NOT badass.
Dalamari said:
The reason playing Snake was so fun is because he was a badass, old people in tight body suits is NOT badass.
he could still kick your ass any day, isn;t that badass enough?
ok I saw them and my questiong is
realtime gaphrics?

btw I dont hav problems whit a old snake
RJMC can you link me to them screens? I can't seem to find them anywhere. You could PM ME.+

EDIT: NEVERMIND. I just saw the screens, omg! Snake looks... he... loooks.... OLD!!!

Hahah, he has a mustache.... a knife, and he sports a new sneaking suit that reminds me of Grey Fox's.
Hes too old in imo they should have aged him slighty and put some grey streaks in his hair.
I really dont understand why so much anger on the old snake,my only complaint is that it realy dont look like snake at all but I dont really see a problem in it
Hopefully this means it'll be released at the launch of the PS3 or soon after.
Seeing as the first trailer for MGS2 was shown in 2000, it was released in 2001, first trailer for MGS3 was shown in 2003, it was released in 2004.

I honestly prolly won't buy the PS3 til this game is out.:)