Information Learned On Battlefield 2 Modding


Oct 10, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, lets start off:

- There are no .RFA files, instead there are .zip files, which are packed in store mode with no compression.
- The .con files seem to be in
- The visuals (models and textures) seem to be in
- The model files are in .bundledmesh format.
- The code looks somewhat the same as Refractor 1, but it's got a completely different setup than Vietnam and 1942.

Has anyone stumbled upon any other information that is adequate in building some custom tools, just in case the MDT isn't that good?
how do you know what the source code looks like ? or are u just refering to whats in the cons ?
i did look through some stuff all i found that was similar was that bots still use ai paths defined in a map which really sucks.
i think they removed the rfa idea so that we didnt have to get rex to make us an extractor.
Not the source code, just the .con files. And regarding Rexman, I think he will still make some kickass tools. (BTW: I can't believe you knew about Rex... not many people do.)
yeah i was on the bf modding scene i was the co leader of radiant destruction i dont think anyone remembers it anymore.
do you know if there are planes in the multiplayer maps ? i havent checked that part out yet(some netowrk connection prob:S) but i want to spawn a plane in the single player part.
just incase anyone wants to know the textures that have _b are bump maps the _c is the color map and the _w is the specular and/or reflection
and they can all be found in objects_client im thinking of doing a re-skin pack for people with lowend cards coz they rely a LOT ! on their dynamic lighting and shading they put almost none of those details in the color map