****ing blackout...

Nov 23, 2004
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So the power goes out in my area around 8:00-8:15 PM. Incredibly gusty winds. I thought it was a hurricane outside.

I lay down around 8:30-8:40 expecting to wake up in 20 minutes or so to enjoy electricity once more when it comes back on.

I just woke up to see its 2:12 AM :|. And I'm quite angry. Not only did I waste the night, the cream puffs I left outside to thaw...were put back in the freezer. WHAT THE ****.
To Take your mind off it
Could be worse...a tornado touched down in Pennsylvania last night...and New York is/was getting 60mph winds this morning...
We had some pretty terrible winds in northern Ohio. I was fearing a tornado.
I love creampuffs. The pain must have been unbearable :(

There was a tornado about a mile away from my brother's house the other day. Pretty impressive he tells me.

Fact of the day - in relation to its size Britain gets more tornadoes than anywhere else in the world.
In relation to size? That's not a fair judgment at all. "In relation so size, Hawaii gets the most sun!" I mean wtf?
I keep getting random power cuts. Just as you're doing something important WHAM there goes the power. What do my parents pay bills for, this isn't service.
I've been getting a few wacky black outs, too. What's a cream puff?

I also still want to see that table monster from Silent Hill 2. :)
Well it got pretty crazy here in NY...power on and off all day yesterday.
In 2004 for Hurricane Ivan we didn't have power for 8 days.

For Katrina we didn't have it for 5 days.
Last time the power went out, the computer died when it came back on. Now I have a new one- that's why I was gone for about 10 days a week or two ago.

I had, no blackouts, no wind, and a snowday.

*feels lucky*
I got the black-out + high winds too, I also thought is was a hurricane. My power went out from about 5PM to 8PM, the second my dad got the generator set up, the power came back on :\

I had to go outside to close up my chicken coop, and on the way there I was nearly knocked into a giant pile of mud from the wind, it was damn strong wind.. In the paper it said like 200 people got flooded.
That's the beauty of laptops. The power goes out I've still got 6-8 hours of power left. And if I am really desperate I can use out backup dial-up account for interweb surfing.