insane, racist black dude...if you are easily offended don't enter


Aug 6, 2004
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i was looking at this video:

here are the last 8 comments

by some guy named BlackTut

the hate i have for white people is unimaginable, i cant wait till god destroy you lepers.i ****ing hate all white people through out the ages they caused trouble for animals and humans. god hate you ****ing lepers, ****ing edomites, if i hate a choice to kill you ****ers i would do it in a heart beat. i hate the ****ing white race whats the point of going and killing these animals ****ing demons.

the bible was right about you ****ing edomites/children of Esau. thats why god locked you white evil ****s in caves, you all are ****ing evil and deserve to die, if i was to see a 3 year old white kid get shot in his ****ing head i would look at this video and say good for the ****er he probably would've grown up killing animals for no reason anyway and would have been a redneck fagot

DIE!!! YOU ****ING RED DEMONS CHILDREN OF ESAU!! YOU ALL ARE A CORRUPTION UNTO GOD!! YOU ALL SLEEP WITH ANIMALS! HAVE PEOPLE WHO ALLOW GAY MARRIAGE! AND ****ING KILL THESE POOR ANIMALS AND ENSLAVE PEOPLE! every little white kid who dies is a blessing, animals would live, the world wont be polluted, 99 million blacks wouldntve been killed. like every white kid i see in the street i just feel like stomping his ****ing brains into the pavement you all must don't understand the hate i have.

like im really thinking about buying a sniper rifle and just decapitating a little white kid head, i would laugh at the sight of him thriving dam that would be good. let me repeat it again I HATE WHITE PEOPLE WITH A PASSION. you all are ****ing lepers a cursed skin thats why you all die from skin cancer, no matter how much tan lotion you demons use because you all got leprosy a curse from god.

remember god sent his chosen people to destroy the wicked. god told Joshua to slay ALL the children Canaanites and adults because they were wicked. you white people are wicked as hell so why shouldn't i get rid of you wicked white people? why shouldn't i murder your children in your face? why is that wrong wicked ones? i will ****ing slash your ****ing 3month old throat ****ing white demons yea report me i had it with you demons.

what makes it worse is that you all get enjoyment from killing both man and animals. if was to see a white craka raping a white 3 month old craka baby i would clap and walk away. actually i would pay the craka $100 to keep up the good work, i would love to enjoy the sounds of its cries. just like you all like to enjoy the death of innocent animals and black. i just want to blast a 44 magnum through one of you little white demons head and watch your head spill to the ground.

this is what happens when you white people are outside on a warm beautiful sunny day watch?v=QNEI2tvSfg4 . if you all dont want to die by death from the sun go BACK to your caves where you came. you are cursed by god you are a leper, it is evident your skin is cursed. a 22 year old white girl was killed because she was in the sun to long the bitch shouldve known she was a leper and knew that the sun hated her ass, dumb white bitch shouldve stayed in a cave like a good ole vampire.

next time you dumb white crakas are outside on a warm beautiful day and ask"dam why am i frying outside!why do i get be giant boils when i am under the sun!why do my ugly ass skin peel!?" you mother****ers are like vampires the sun hate you ****ing whites. read the bible your skin is cursed the sun forbids you go back to the caves and make some more vampire movies youre expert at that bitches.

i haven't seen such hate speech in a long time
and this doesn't even look like a spam bot, but a real "person"
Completely against hunting animals for sports but still

what a ****ing troll.
Wasn't this song on a South Park montage in one of the episodes?
He also hates the English language.

Hunters are also tossers, killing animals for fun.
Wait, black people can be racist?

I want to believe

Also, this video reminded me how shitty of a movie Scarface was
Well isn't that a shocker to many middle class ****ing dumb white idiots, yes, racism can go both ways. :O

I love how he says whites come from caves, at least during the stone age we were smart enough to live in them, my memory is a bit hazy on world history, but I think first European contact with deepest darkest Africa involved post-renaissance gun toting Whiteys finding Africans still wearing animal hides (OMFG tey killed sum animulz).

My guess is a whitey boy troll roleplaying, but who knows, I wouldn't put it beyond genuine human stupidity.

Plus he believe is a religion, noob.

I find it ironic, there is such pathetically little difference between humans and chimps genetically, and yet ignorant twats can wish death on millions of strangers based on the tone of their skin, lulz.
Guy's an obvious moron.

The point of this thread is...?
point of thread...none really, i just rarely see that much crap at once. kind of funny really

check out his profile...he's obviously a nutjob
Irony is awesome. I love how that guy can't form a single sentence properly in his own language, but he thinks the white people are dumb. That just tickles me to death.

And I'm leaning more to the idea that it's a troll. If you look at his channel he's just spamming "KILL WHITE PEOPLE! KILL WHITE PEOPLE! KILL WHITE PEOPLE!" So, I'm pretty sure it's a troll. I left a comment anyway. :p
da niga is calling me racist?oh wait.......
Hey, RJ, What's the price of gas in Venezuela?
"BT, you are why I fear for humanity's lucidity. Not every white person goes out and kills animals. And besides, you would swear hatred upon millions of people because of the colour of their skin?"

Should I have been harsher?
"BT, you are why I fear for humanity's lucidity. Not every white person goes out and kills animals. And besides, you would swear hatred upon millions of people because of the colour of their skin?"

Should I have been harsher?

No. people like him aren't worth the energy. You'll still be alive tomorrow even if he's a racist. Nobody will ever be able to reason with him, he's obviously an idiot. pick your battles. Laugh at them if you think it will help you deal with it. :)
Hey, RJ, What's the price of gas in Venezuela?

I didn't realize they used cars in Venezuela...

ohh,wait, nevermind... That was stupid. i thought he said south africa... i didn't think that sounded right, but then again, I am the idiot that just called BT a n00b...
Remove all White ties from that person and he won't be able to work, eat, live in a house, use the internet, interact with anything.

He couldn't even be deported.
Remove all White ties from that person and he won't be able to work, eat, live in a house, use the internet, interact with anything.

He couldn't even be deported.

Exactly. he's an ignorant shithead. Therefor we should be ignorant to the very fact that he exists. :D
Killing for sport is stupid. I hate it. hard.

I laughed at the music in that video
Your right, Virus, the ultimate irony is hes using animal cruelty as a means to rag on whites, ignoring the fact it isn't white people going into the Congo and cutting up great apes for bush meat, amongst other things.

I think I am sticking my ballot in the Troll box.
Your right, Virus, the ultimate irony is hes using animal cruelty as a means to rag on whites, ignoring the fact it isn't white people going into the Congo and cutting up great apes for bush meat, amongst other things.

I think I am sticking my ballot in the Troll box.

Yeah I heard all about that. It's ill. Extinction for money.
Hey, RJ, What's the price of gas in Venezuela?

What does that have to do with the price of tea in china?

I've actually never met a white person who was openly racist against blacks (at least not anybody memorable) however, it seems that at least ten percent of the black people at my school (at least the loud, retarded percentage) hate white people with a passion.
Though my interwebs is to slow to actually download the video,I still agree that it was one of the greatest displays of south-New-Muhollandian racism in human history.
The point of this thread is...?

This kind of post here annoys me, I for one found the thread entertaining? What's the point of any thread here? What's the point of Cyberpitz making a thread about a 14 yr old girl killing an infant?

"Girl is an obvious murderer

The Point of This Thread is...?"

Or Llama's Prom thread

"Llama obviously went to Prom

The point of this thread is...?"

This kind of post here annoys me, I for one found the thread entertaining? What's the point of any thread here? What's the point of Cyberpitz making a thread about a 14 yr old girl killing an infant?

"Girl is an obvious murderer

The Point of This Thread is...?"

Or Llama's Prom thread

"Llama obviously went to Prom

The point of this thread is...?"


Dammit man, why bring me into this? ;( I thought we were friends!
Looking at that still shot of the video with the guy smiling with the dead lion makes me sick.
Dammit man, why bring me into this? ;( I thought we were friends!

I hope you caught my sarcasm, unless you are playing along with my sarcasm in which now I look like a fool for asking. :D
Yes I was.
Yes you do.


edit: Wut? I can't use the s-word that's a way of saying muffled laughing?

*chuckles instead*
I don't think I've ever laughed this hard in my life. What's funnier is I'm not even a little offended,and I'm the whitest guy you will ever meet.