Insanely horrible 3dMarks


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
OK, need help. This isn't normal, because I compared it against another user that has basically the same computer hardware, at least.

• Pentium 4 2.4CGhz (800FSB) Northwood
• OCZ EL 256MBx2 (512) Platinum PC3200 DDR RAM
• Asus P4P800-Deluxe Motherboard
• Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

Test 1

• CPU FSB @ 240Mhz = 2.8Ghz
• DRAM Timing: 320Mhz (5:4 divider)
• DRAM @ 2-2-3-5
• Catalyst v4.1

3dMark03 Standard Score: 2084 Marks
See a problem there? The other guy had 6000 something.
Do games run fine? I wouldn't worry about 3DMark 03, it's horribly dodgy and the benchmarks are basically useless at the end of the day.

But yes, that's definitely low, I get a 4900 with a XP 2800+ and Radeon 9700 pro. Is your system stable (ie. Prime95 doesn't fail when you do the torture test)?
What settings are you using when you run 3dmark? Not only 3dmark, but your control panel advanced settings.. And what programs are running while you benchmark? Set all graphical settings to performance. I have a barton 2500@3200, 512 ram and radeon 9800@(almost XT) and get 6120(something)..
I fixed it. I now get 5598 @ 2.8Ghz. 3dMark03 is mostly video card dependant, so I'm downloading 3dMark01SE to test better :D

My problem was I was using 8xAA and 16xAF w/TruForm.
hehe.. It's usually some setting in the control panel.. :) Better that than hardware issues.
SubKamran said:
I fixed it. I now get 5598 @ 2.8Ghz. 3dMark03 is mostly video card dependant, so I'm downloading 3dMark01SE to test better :D

My problem was I was using 8xAA and 16xAF w/TruForm.
LMAO I dont feel as dumb anymore :)

Still feeling pretty dumb though... Some1 say something Homerish :) :hmph: :D :imu:
Homer: Mmmm Mcnuuugggetss..... scroowlwllwlwlwwllllslchschsh
Anyways! :D

On 3dMark01 SE, I get:

Test 8

• CPU FSB @ 245Mhz = 2.95Ghz
• DRAM Timing: 196Mhz (5:4 divider)
• DRAM: 2-2-3-5
• Catalyst v4.1
• Application Pref AA, Application Pref AF, No TruForm

3dMark01 SE Score: 16277 Marks [Default Settings]

Is that good? :D

Resolution | 1024x768 32bit

Texture Format | Compressed

FSAA | Disabled

Z-Buffer Depth | 24bit

Frame Buffer | Double

Rendering Pipeline | D3D Pure Hardware T&L

about 1k below my score, should be normal, no? :P
Did you have any programs running during the test? Nomatter, it is a decent score.
No, no problems. It was a "install and press Benchmark" test so I didn't play with it.

What's your system? :D

It's very good in games :D Super smooth, even in Far Cry.
SubKamran try downloading motherboard drivers. Not only do you need the latest gfx, but your motherboard drivers can double the performance of your gfx card. Well it did we mine anyway. I get like 30,000 in aquamark now and thats with a 9700 pro and 2ghz cpu. I think the best I have seen is a 42,000 and thats with a radeon 9800 xt 256 and with a 3ghz cpu. so tbh I am not doing that bad :P
SubKamran said:
No, no problems. It was a "install and press Benchmark" test so I didn't play with it.

What's your system? :D

It's very good in games :D Super smooth, even in Far Cry.

I have a barton 2500@3200(2.2ghz), 512MB PC3200 ram(1:1) and a Radeon 9800(flashed to pro)@405/391 on a MSI nforce2 mobo