Insects Infestation Update


Companion Cube
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
The latest salvo in the war between myself and the insects came late last night as I was curled up in bed. They had sent a spider to take me out - and a big one too; I only survived by trapping it within a glass cup. The next morning, I took a pair of scissors to the vines pushing their way in through my bedroom window.[br]Being no stranger to the sheer brutality and ruthlessness of nature, I have naturally been following the progress of the shiny Insects Infestation mod, in which verminous creepy-crawlies team up to take out the enemy queen in a game of hive vs hive warfare promising "diverse combat capabilities and strategy oriented gaming".[br]

[br]This latest update brings us screenshots of the newly-skinned termite warrior, the ant worker and the ant heavy soldier. You can find out more at the Insects Infestation homepage. Now, if you'll excuse me, the ants are trying to recapture the bathroom.
I look forward the most to this mod, seriously. What mod can say that they have flying wasps? :p
Oh my gawd! These modders are incredibly talented!
The models are crazy-awesome.
I don't really know anything about the gameplay, but it looks fantastic.
The mod will most likley also feature compelling gameplay. ;D
I look forward the most to this mod, seriously. What mod can say that they have flying wasps? :p

No wasps yet though, first release will most likely feature only ants vs. termites, later releases will include wasp team.

So looking forward to this mod.
Yes, it will be ants vs termites for the first release. Saying that, quite a bit of wasps content is done but has been set by for future releases.

Thanks for the nice comments! I didnt model these guys, but i skinned the three player models and the view model shown in the update.

If ya's know any talented animators, point them our way ;)
No wasps yet though, first release will most likely feature only ants vs. termites, later releases will include wasp team.
Yeah, I know.

I even sent an application to beta test for this mod, but I received no response :(
Wow this update was almost hidden by the fortress forever media update but this is no less pleasing in my opinion. You guys can have your war mods but this looks much more interesting than just about any other mod I've seen.
I never, ever thought I'd see a "manure" meter on my HUD in a game...
ERrrrgh I CANNOT WAIT, most anticipated HL2 mod besides insurgency =D
I was greatly anticipating a manure meter in HL2. Unfortunately it never came for some reason. At last my dreams are fulfilled.

Also, everything looks great. Apart from the fourth picture. Everything seems to have really low-res textures there.