Inserting a company logo/animation after Valve-guy-with-the-thing-in-his-eye.


Nov 22, 2004
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Like the title says, how would I put a company logo after the Valve guy when my mod is opened? I'm going to go make it right now, so what type of file should it be? .wmv .mov .mpeg?

I've seen this done plenty of times before and I think it would be pretty cool to have my own in there.

easy go to C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\username\half-life 2\hl2\media and edit the movie file named valve or just rename yours to valve and replace the original one o ands its an .avi i think
Coolness. Is there a way to get it to play both? I don't want to strip Valve of its property.
Stick it in the 'media' subdirectory of your mod, and it should load it instead.

I can't find anything in the code that refers to it, but what you could do is splice your avi and Valve's together in one file, so they are both played, sequentially.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, I stuck my two files together in Windows Movie Maker, but the stupid program won't let me convert the .wmv file to an .avi file. Don't you love how Microsoft attempts to dominate every aspect of computers? Anyway, does anyone know how to bypass this problem?
Angry Lawyer said:
Stick it in the 'media' subdirectory of your mod, and it should load it instead.

I can't find anything in the code that refers to it, but what you could do is splice your avi and Valve's together in one file, so they are both played, sequentially.

-Angry Lawyer

Actually, it's not in the code. I ran into a text file listing the startup movies while browsing files, though I can't remember the name. Hold on let me bust the terminal service! :) Use GCFScape and extract StartupVids.txt in the source engine.gcf (It's under /media). Add a reference to your movie under Valve's, and put that into your mods /media folder along with your own video. Note: Try and use a standard codec, because HL2 will use whatever you have and if someone else doesn't have it that video won't play. Trust me, I've tried. :P The Cinepak Radius codec Valve's video uses is pretty common(Standard on XP Pro & Home) so you can just keep using that.
mlk said:
I think VideoLAN will convert between .wmv and avi files.

Or since the Valve video is AVI, and hopefully your video is AVI, then you should be able to use some great free tool like Virtualdub and put 'em together.. avoid WMV entirely (and windows media.. as much as possible, all the time..) ;)
Notes said:
Or since the Valve video is AVI, and hopefully your video is AVI, then you should be able to use some great free tool like Virtualdub and put 'em together.. avoid WMV entirely (and windows media.. as much as possible, all the time..) ;)

Or you could use the method I described above(and posted in the HL2 Wiki) and avoid splicing videos altogether. Whatever floats your boat.
Sorry for the response, guys. My computer is dying and likes to restart all the time (I've narrowed it down to either a failing motherboard or a weak power supply). With my computer being unreliable, I don't work on the mod much, meaning I don't get on the site much. I just got a job at the local SuperTarget and hopefully I'll be able to afford a new motherboard soon. Then work continues.

Anyway. I'm downloading VideoLAN now, and I'll check it out. It would be nice if it was put in Jonsie's way in, so if I hit Escape for the first movie, it stills goes to mine (honestly, who always watches the Valve logo from start to finish?). Either way, thanks for your help guys. Much appreciated. :)

Back up your mod files somewhere. You wouldn't want them to melt away, would you?

-Angry Lawyer
mlk said:
archvilell stated he used Windows Media editor thingy, which outputted WMV files.

That's why I suggested using Virtualdub, which would output AVI. archvilell didn't state the the format of his source video, unless I'm mistaken. (which happens all the time..) ;) (cause, like.. I did miss Jonsi's suggestion, which would see to be ideal..)