Inside Microsofts new CAR OS

The day my car is operated by Microsoft is the day I crash my car into a tree on purpose
lol i would never set my foot in a car with Microsoft software in it :D cool voice reckognision tho..
I would rather ride with a 5 year old driving with its feet before i got into a car powered by M$'s Windows XP CAR edition. "Oops, we didnt notice the security flaw that would allow a hacker to wirelessly control the gas pedal. This will be fixed within the next several months, when we bundle it with a bunch of other related fixes in XP CAR SP1.
EDIT: BTW simmo, the top link dont work for me.
LOL moderators are moving moderators topics. Sweetass car-os stuff though. What if your car performed an illegal operation.. and the brakes cut! Your owned then :laugh:
well computers are like AC units guys...and like everything else it seems...they shut down when you open windows :D