Installation - HDD


Aug 5, 2007
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Hi, I am experiencing issues with my copy of Episode One, in which I am unable to install the game as it will quote the following:

There is not enough free disk space to run Steam.

Any solutions? Also, may I add that I have 168 GB of free disk space.
oh, 168GB? o was gonna say the obvious, but check that its installing on that drive, if it tries to install to a flash drive, another hard drive, or to the disk, it wont work ofcourse. check that, and if still not, then then try reinstalling steam, and all games for it, and if still not, uhhh, i might no be able to help you, which is a first.
Sorry if this is a rather simple answer, but how do you make sure Episode One is being installed to the correct drive, as I am not given the option to choose so while installing from the CD? Unless, I have to explore within the file to fix the issue.
if your installing in through steam it will be wherever steam is installed and if its with the cd then you should have the option
I had the same issue today. I just refomatted my hard drive and was reinstalling half life 2 and episode 1. half life 2 installed fine but couldnt install episode 1. I just copied all the files to a folder on my desktop and I am currently installing from there. Yup seems to work. It is in my games list and the files are currently updating through steam.
well, if theres no selection of where to put it, my b, i installed it so long ago i forgot. umm, is steam installed on that drive?
I bought Episode 1 today and got the same problem. HL2 & Steam runs OK, but Episode 1 won't install from the CD. I ran Steam and entered the CD-key in the Product Activation section. That worked and I am now downloading the game. It would have been easier if I had just bought it on Steam in the first place.