Installing a new Hard Drive


Nov 19, 2004
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Hi guys, i have a new Hard Drive which i want to install in my PC. So far i have all the information i need from my old hard drive copied to dvd, i have a windows disc, and i know how to connect the hard drive to the pc. What i need to know is the steps i need to take to carry out this installation correctly, including how to set up boot discs and format the drive, the order in which i need to do stuff, things like that.

If anyone can advise me below or point me to any links that could advise me equally well it'd be much appreciated

All I usually have to do is connect the drive, start up the PC, enter BIOS, change the boot order so that the new drive you put inside your computer boots first and make sure the OS disc is in the drive. Restart after saving changes to the boot order in your bios. You should be prompted to hit a key to boot from the disc and then follow the OS installation. Win 2000 for example then prompts you for partition info and then formats the drive and begins the installation.
Well just boot the PC, go into the bios (usually press delete when the computer starts). Find the section or tab labeled "Boot Order" and change it so that CDROM/DVDROM is the first. Now insert the windows disc.

Then power down the PC, unplug it and remove the side of it.

Next (for an IDE drive) set the jumpers on the back of the hard drive to Primary (if the HD is going to be the main drive), secondary (if its not) or cable select (the motherboard chooses).

Now slide the HD into the case and screw it in. Some cases use drive rails, a locking mechanism or just screws, so do what your case requires.

Then plug in the HD cable and the power cable.

Close the case.

Boot the PC and insert the windows disc (if you didnt before). The PC should pick it up, load some drivers and send you to an HD formatting screen. You can partition the drive however you want and then install windows.

From there just follow the prompts until windows boots.

You then need to install service pack 2 (if you dont have it). Your motherboard drivers (install them first), then your video drivers, soundcard and so on.

Everything should then work. It is an easy process (even if this is your first time so don't worry). It just takes a lot of time.
Right, cheers guys, its the second time i've done it but the first time i was being guided through building my own PC and since that was over a year ago i'd forgotten some of the specifics. Thanks again.
Ok so everything installed, i installed a fresh copy of windows, however i have a couple of problems.

1 is that my 3rd disc drive (my dvd/rw) is not recognised by the PC. When i bought it it came with no installation software or anything, i just plugged it in, so i'm not sure how to install it now :\

2 is that my sound isn't working, it doesn't seem to want to install any multimedia drivers, why would this be?

Any help? :(