Installing Graphic Card


Aug 4, 2003
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I've never replaced a graphic card before.
And I'm getting my R9600Pro tomorrow and now I got geforce4 mx 420..

I need to know what to do.. remove all drivers for nvidia first? then remove the nvidia card and replace it with the ati??

And don't say I have to format my hdd, 'cause I wont. :p

When you're inside your pc crank the handle labelled "Duo Bio Duplex Switch" to "North"/
Then ignore the above.
Installing a gfx is easy as hell, just remember to earth yourself (best use a wrist strap).
However how your question is worded I'm guessing you know the hardware bit.
Drivers wise, you won't need to uninstall your nvidia drivers, just chuck the card in, install the software and you're done.
I heard it could be problem if I don't remove my old drivers.. :/
And yeah, I know how to install it on the motherboard.. thanks tho.

Oh and, it doesn't seem to be much space between graphic card and sound card.. like 2mm from the graphic cards fan to the sound card.. and it's faced down.. maybe good idea to make some more room there?
Originally posted by theneb
When you're inside your pc crank the handle labelled "Duo Bio Duplex Switch" to "North"/
Then ignore the above.
Installing a gfx is easy as hell, just remember to earth yourself (best use a wrist strap).
However how your question is worded I'm guessing you know the hardware bit.
Drivers wise, you won't need to uninstall your nvidia drivers, just chuck the card in, install the software and you're done.

Well i would download a program that removes the nvidia drivers completely and/or format your HD

Conflicts will probably occur down the line if you're not too careful
Yes you must remove EVERY last bit of the nvidia drivers. Go to and search for the prog. called Detonator Destroyer, it will get rid of them. Or you can reformat.
yea, cause nvidia drivers dont uninstall right. They will **** the ati card up its ass if they are left on.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Yes you must remove EVERY last bit of the nvidia drivers. Go to and search for the prog. called Detonator Destroyer, it will get rid of them. Or you can reformat.

The Detonator Destroyer doesn't support windows XP, isn't there any other program that does?