Installing Suse Linux...


May 18, 2003
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Ok. Why is this happening?

I downloaded Suse Linux from the Novell site. Used Partition Magic to create an appropriate partition 10gb, with ext file system. Then it created a 500mb swap partition for it. Now i toss in Suse CD1, restart comp, boots from cd, boots fine, everythings fine until after it starts installing, and i keep gettings errors of packages failing to install. Not all of them, only very little. Like 15/700 or so. And when it asks for CD2, it gives me the error "no_instsrc_on_media". So i have to click ignore.

It then says it finishes install, installs the boot manager, when i go to load up linux, the loading screen comes up, says starting system etc, then screen just goes black, and my monitor light starts flashing like its not getting a signal from the video card.

I burned with Alcohol 120%, and Nero using default image burning settings.

It sounds like either the image you downloaded is slightly corrupted or it wasn't burnt properly. I think with the main distro's, the first disc has all the main stuff on it, so the stuff that doesn't get installed, could be pretty important. I would try and re-burn the images using a slower speed, it will take longer but it will guarentee that they are burnt with no errors. Then try that, it it still doesnt work, then you may have to redownload the images.
Yeah i agree with duffers. What you could try and do is mount the CD images to somthing like Daemon tools to see that you can browse through it without errors, then try burning at a slower speed. you shouldnt be burning at the highest speed your writer has to offer anyway.

I dont know about suse, but Fedore Core and Red Hat offer a Media check before installation. This checks all the CDs so that md5 keys or whatever match to what is on the installation CD, it will tell you if a CD is messed.
When you boot from CD, press F2 or the others to see the options you can use, i think its something like: linux mediacheck, but then i dont know if Suse offers this.

good luck