Installing World of Warcraft


Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Has anyone else had problems installing WoW? I've been messing with it for the last two days and I'm just posting this as a last ditch effort before I resort to sending my copy back to blizzard for replacement.

Anyway, when I try to install it the process hangs on the file "Sound.mpq." I've even left it sitting there for a couple hours to be sure it actually stalled.

Apparently this is a large problem for a lot of people as shown in this thread:

So next I tried Blizzard's suggestion of copying the Tome file from the CD onto my harddrive and installing from there. Everything goes fine unil the last 5 seconds of the process when I get the error "Copy error: Invalid MS-DOS function." So then I tried using clonecd to burn the cd to an image and use it. Was no good. It stalled the installation process on "interface.mpq" and copying the files gave me the error, "Copy error: Cyclic redundancy."

The only breakthrough I've had is that I tried inserting the disc into my ancient laptop and copies the files onto it. Worked just fine. However, the laptop is so old I have no real way of transferring the file to my PC. Though I don't know if they would even work if I did. I also tried installing on another newer computer but received the same errors I get on mine.

I did read that some people were able to download the open beta client and patch it to the current version but I've been unable to find any torrents that work.

So basically, I'm just wondering if there is anything else I can try before giving up and paying to ship it back to blizzard?
out of interest how do you get into the open beta?
[Matt] said:
out of interest how do you get into the open beta?
I'm gonna step out on a limb here and say the clue is in the words "open beta" :p
[Matt] said:
out of interest how do you get into the open beta?

Beta? What do you mean? The full game is out. Thus why I'm having problems installing my game discs.
i had the same problem. i was installing it using a dvd-rom drive only(which should work) but it froze up. so i just stuck it into my cd-burner and it worked fine
Revisedsoul said:
i had the same problem. i was installing it using a dvd-rom drive only(which should work) but it froze up. so i just stuck it into my cd-burner and it worked fine

I can't believe this. I've messed with this thing for over two days now and have tried it in three different computers and tried numerous things. Then I read your post and thought, what the hell, might as well try it. So I went out and bought a cd-burner and it works. For some reason they just won't install in dvd-rom drives.

I hate blizzard. :flame:
its not blizzard, its your dvd-rom. my friends installed it fine on his.