Instant Karma

fek me that guy gets it right in the gob

still he shudnt be pushing kids of of bikes for kicks
This was posted just yesterday (or maybe the day before :S) by Ed. .
It appears to have been closed. It was called "recreate this in garry's mod", only recreate was spelt incorrectly, so i can't really do a search.

But yeah, the guy deserved it. I didn't think so at first, but I do now. :D
Theres a chance that could've killed him, and it quite easily could have made him a quadriplegic. I wonder how it turned out.
What a ****wit. I don't think anyone deserves to be hit in the face with a car, but I don't have much sympathy for him.
that looked bad, but I don't feel sorry for him.
those other assholes in the car will think twice before doing something that stupid again.
He deserved somthing, but that looked pretty damn lethal. :(

Doesnt take much at that speed to kill someone it hit in the head. Trust me.
Oh ye btw I watched this a couple of days ago. The guy actually did die. Which is kinda ****ed up.
IchI said:
Oh ye btw I watched this a couple of days ago. The guy actually did die. Which is kinda ****ed up.

Ugghhh... well maybe he didn't deserve it... or maybe he did. Karma, it's all in the Karma...
Darwin evolution, right there.

Get that idiot a darwin award!
So he died, that's kinda sad.. Well, I'm going to agree with AntiAnto and say Karma, can't say it was nice that it happened but from the looks of it he deserved it.
I don't believe for one second that he died. It's quite obvious that his friends were filming it - why would they distribute it over the internet?

Also, this was closed the other day for numerous reasons:

a) It was off topic
b) It was hosted at a pornography site
c) The video was no longer there and linked to the porno site's homepage.
Owned = Humilatingly defeated by an object

Pwned = " " " " Person.

They are the same damn shut it. :|
MiccyNarc said:
0wned, 0wned, 0wned.

Cheers to the driver in the other car :D

He was hit by a parked car. I wonder what the boy on the bike thought as he was biking along, got knocked off by some idiot, to watch him go face first into the park car infront of him.
The lady falling off the platform was funny.

This, as much as the kid "deserved it", was a serious accident. If he had a full recovery, then I would agree with "instant karma, lesson learned". But seriously, that could have lifelong consequences, which I dont feel a man deserves just for one stupid asshole mistake as a kid.
He definitally deserved something, but I think death was a bit too much.
However, for those of you who believe Karma was'nt right, consider those helmetless bikers could've fallen forward and cracked they're skulls open. Noone would've found the car, noone would've got any witnesses. Now, Karma has witnesses, Karma, punished the one guy, but dually punished one of the kids on the bikes, to wear a helmet.

Karma wielded a two edge sword -- ...
K e r b e r o s said:
However, for those of you who believe Karma was'nt right, consider those helmetless bikers could've fallen forward and cracked they're skulls open. Noone would've found the car, noone would've got any witnesses.
There were several bikers, so I doubt they would have gotten away with it. That having been said, sure, its possible, but really unlikely that a kid would die from being knocked over on his bike. Being hit in the back or on the bike by an open door is not nearly as severe as eating a solid mass of steel at 15-20mph.
Untrue. I've seen people fall head first off bikes and knock a noodle or two out, or break legs and arms because of simple crashes or bumps into things.

Its my belief Karma suited a double purpose -- ... perhaps everyone learned a good lesson.
K e r b e r o s said:
Untrue. I've seen people fall head first off bikes and knock a noodle or two out, or break legs and arms because of simple crashes or bumps into things.

Its my belief Karma suited a double purpose -- ... perhaps everyone learned a good lesson.

Hitting that car at that speed could quite easily have killed him just by brain dammage. The kid falling off would probably not have been lethal unless he broke his neck or somthing.

I think that so long as the guy lived through it and didnt have any lasting injuries then its perfectly fair. But noone deserves to die for one imature mistake when they are young. Thats what I believe.
marksmanHL2 :) said:
I think that so long as the guy lived through it and didnt have any lasting injuries then its perfectly fair. But noone deserves to die for one imature mistake when they are young. Thats what I believe.

If he did die, maybe the universe didn't mean for him to learn from his mistakes, but for his friends too.

But we are all immature prats once in our lives and a bunch of idiots pushing little kids off of bikes might be a horrible thing to do, especially filming it for fun, but no one really deserves to have their face smashed into a car doing 30.
I dont agree. Dont be a prat shoving people off vehicles -- it still can be fatal, and even if its not -- noone deserves to be maliciously injured just because some yard-ape and his friends thought it'd be cool.

IMHO. :D If it is humble ...
K e r b e r o s said:
I dont agree. Dont be a prat shoving people off vehicles -- it still can be fatal, and even if its not -- noone deserves to be maliciously injured just because some yard-ape and his friends thought it'd be cool.

IMHO. :D If it is humble ...

Well, the guy did deserve some sort of "comeupence", but dying like that is more of a "his friends won't do any more dumbshit for a longtime" type of thing, rather than, "wow, i got hurt doing something stupid, i won't do stupid things again" type thing, which is much better on the world.