Insurgency and Fistfull of Frags New Betas.


Jan 7, 2005
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For those of you wanting something new or something updated, two fine Betas have been released to the community.[br]

The team over at Insurgency have updated their much loved mod, set within battles of the Iraq Conflict. This version seeks to correct many of the bugs that were reported by the community during the first Beta. To find this new Beta, just find your way over to the downloads section of the Insurgency website.[br]<div align="center">

In other news, the Western Team Deathmatch style mod: 'Fistfull of Frags' has given the public an update to its highly enjoyable mod. The update adds some music and SFX as well as giving the game some tweaks within weapons and other smaller things. To download this new version simply just head over to their download section, otherwise have a browse at the 'Fistfull of Frags' website.
Fistful of Frags is such a sweet mod to bad theres not to many servers up.
hey I saw a video of a guy playing Insurgency on Youtube but when he double-clicked the server to join it, he joined the server in about 5 when I try to join a server it seriously takes prly 30 sec to get to the blinking arrow screen. He did do a fastforward during a part later when he walked a long distance, so I'm wondering...
A) did he fast forward that part too?
B) does my install of Insurgency take WAAAY too long to load it's maps
C) mine takes the normal amount of time to load maps

even when i "Create" my own server it takes way longer then CS or HL2: DM for the little Steam loading bar to work it's way to "Sending Client Info" does everyones install of Insurgency take a pretty good amount of time to load maps?
The mod takes me around 45 seconds to load.
I think I am going to try both. Played Insu some days when it first came out but then kind of lost interest.
I tried playing Ins with a friend the other day, but it was just so boring.
It pales in comparison to CoD4 tbh.
Stupid tbh!

hey I saw a video of a guy playing Insurgency on Youtube but when he double-clicked the server to join it, he joined the server in about 5 when I try to join a server it seriously takes prly 30 sec to get to the blinking arrow screen. He did do a fastforward during a part later when he walked a long distance, so I'm wondering...
A) did he fast forward that part too?
B) does my install of Insurgency take WAAAY too long to load it's maps
C) mine takes the normal amount of time to load maps

even when i "Create" my own server it takes way longer then CS or HL2: DM for the little Steam loading bar to work it's way to "Sending Client Info" does everyones install of Insurgency take a pretty good amount of time to load maps?

Mine takes a long time to load too.. First off it does the "Retrieving Server Info" thing, then when it gets like 3/4's of the way, the music stops.. about 3 minutes later the music starts again and it goes onto Sending Client Info, at which point the music seems to crash (like when you're playing music on your PC, then your PC crashes and the music just repeats itself) but then after like 30 seconds or something, it keeps playing and then it loads fully and I join the game.
It's worth the wait I know, but at times when I just want to play it can get pretty frustrating, especially seeing as my internet starts to drop on me every 5-10 minutes after 4p.m! Damn Talk-Talk :|
Holy thread resurrection, Batman!
On a related note: There is a new Fistfull of Frags beta out recently I think.
Glad to see Fistful of Frags still up and running.