Intel 64bit Chip Delayed?


Aug 22, 2003
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Intel was only bringing out 64bit for workstations/servers on their Xeon line this year. Could they be delayed? This is an interesting turn of events yet again.
We will just have to see what pans out.

Always a good read at that site. hehe
They always tell it in a humorous way.

BTW I'd like to get my hands on a Dual core chip
Dual core... I hope thats there solution for faster servers and not desktops.
Ay Asus, explain that dual core shit to me.

Does it mean that you wont need programs optimized for dual processors to get twice the speed or what?
amneziac85 said:
Ay Asus, explain that dual core shit to me.

Does it mean that you wont need programs optimized for dual processors to get twice the speed or what?
It means you won't need to buy 2 CPUs and the board with 2 sockets for optimized programs or multitasking. It will perform very very close to a dual CPU setup, and it won't have to share resources like HT.